Chapter 19

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Jasmine stared at her phone shocked.
She quickly dialed Brent's number.
B-Brent J-Jasmine

B-JASMINE where are you? When we came back home you guys weren't here
J-I'm so sorry we went to ride our penny boards and ride the Ferris wheel. We're on our way home right now
B-ok but hurry we need to go see dad Jas
J-I know ill see you once I get there
B-drive safely bye

Jasmine hung up and told Crawford everything.
He drove as fast as he could and got to the house.
They got out quickly and went into the house. "I'm surprised the cops didn't stop you" Jasmine said making him laugh.
Jasmine was engulfed in a hug as soon as she got in.
"Don't ever leave without telling me where you are ok?!" Brent said.
Jasmine nodded and hugged him back. "Crawford I thought you were staying home too? Mom asked about you over FaceTime she's gonna kill us both now" Chris said as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"That doesn't matter right now we'll deal with her later. Brent and Jasmine have to go see their dad" Crawford said.
Chris nodded and got his car keys. They all went outside and got into his car.
*at the hospital*
They parked quickly and got out.
Jasmine got a text from her mom.
Are you guys coming?-M
Yeah we're here-J
They hurried up and went inside. Jasmine went over to a nurse and asked for the room number.
"Room 154" the nurse said. Jasmine thanked her and then ran off.
She got to the room and saw her mom talking to her dad. She was crying.
Shouldn't she be happy that he's alive and awake? Jasmine thought.
Brent, Chris and Crawford came right as their mom came out of the room. She saw Jasmine first and broke down in tears and hugged her. "Hey mom....everything's gonna be ok" Brent said as he rubbed their moms back and Jasmine hugged her. They pulled away.
"You guys should go talk to him...." Their mom said.
Jasmine looked over at Brent and he nodded. Jasmine looked at Crawford and Chris.
"Don't worry we'll be out here waiting" Crawford said giving her a smile. She smiled a little and went inside her dads room with Brent.
Their dad looked over at them and smiled. "Hey are you guys doing?" He asked them.
"Well a little better now that you're awake and alive" Jasmine said as she went over to hug him. When she pulled away he was sad.
"Dad are you ok?" Brent asked.
"I...have something to tell you guys" their dad said.
He motioned for them to sit down so they did. "The doctors haven't told you anything yet have they?..."he said.
Jasmine's heart started beating fast. "No why? What's happening?" Jasmine asked.
She didn't realize she was shaking. Brent grabbed her hand and tried to calm her down. "Look...I may be awake but I'm still very sick...they haven't found a cure yet. They said the most I would be able to survive is about 2 months" their dad said as a tear went down his face.
Jasmine and Brent looked at him shocked. Jasmine squeezed Brent's hand as she cried. "Dad..-"Jasmine said but he cut her off. "Sweetie I know this is hard for both of you...especially after what happened to Brice and Lexi...I need you guys to be strong for your mother. Brent you're the oldest one. Protect Jasmine and help your mom out I know she's gonna need it...I'm so sorry guys" their dad said as Jasmine and Brent cried.
"I'll do what you say dad...."Brent said as he slowly got up and left.
Jasmine stayed there silently with her dad. " have to keep Brent happy you have to understand that this isn't really my choice" her dad said as he cried.
I have to be strong Jasmine thought.
She got up and hugged him. "I love you dad" Jasmine said then she let go and walked out.

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