Chapter 20

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As Jasmine walked out, she saw her mom crying and Brent trying to comfort her.
Chris was on his phone talking to his mom, Crawford was looking at Jasmine with sad eyes.
She ran to him and hugged him.
"Brent told us what happened....I am so sorry Jasmine" Crawford said hugging her tight. She cried into his chest.
They were all like this for a few hours until her mom said she had to go back to work.
"Both of you go home and try to get some rest. If you're hungry there's leftovers in the fridge" their mom said to both Jasmine and Brent. They nodded and hugged her. "I love you guys ok? Be safe, bye" she said trying to smile.
Fake smiling doesn't work on everyone Jasmine thought.
She used to fake smile when she was bullied in high school. Lexi was the only one who saw. But she was gone now.
"Cmon Jas we should go home" Brent said. Chris took out his keys as they walked out to his car. "You guys wanna get something to eat before you go?" Chris said. "Sure why not?" Brent said.
Jasmine sat in the back with Crawford. She laid her head on his shoulder. Out of nowhere he grabbed her hand.
"You're strong you'll get through this. Brent and your mom are here for you.....I'm here for you" he whispered into her ear. Jasmine smiled a little.
Chris drove them to Chik-Fil-A. Brent got excited and made them all laugh.
They got out and went inside. They ordered their food and sat down at a table.
Jasmine just sat there quietly as Brent and Chris talked about Digitour.
"Hey you ok?" Crawford asked her. She looked into his amazing chocolate brown eyes and felt better. "Yeah just tired" Jasmine said.
Their food came and they ate.
"Whoa Jasmine check your phone. Someone really famous just tweeted your cover" Chris said. Jasmine took out her phone and checked Twitter. Demi lovato had tweeted her cover. "OH MY GOD DEMI LOVATO TWEETED MY COVER" Jasmine said as she started freaking out.
Brent took her phone and looked at it.
"Oh my gosh she did! She said she's coming as a surprise guest on Digitour to meet you!!" Brent said as they all started freaking out. People looked at them weird but they didn't care.
"Wow congrats Jasmine you deserve it" Crawford said smiling at her. "Well I couldn't have done it without my trusty camera man so thanks crawf I wouldn't have done it without you" Jasmine said as he blushed.
"You never quiet told me why you chose that song" Crawford said grinning. Jasmine's cheeks went red.
"Oh look at the time Brent we should probably get going" Jasmine said.
Brent laughed and nodded. They threw their trash away and went to Chris's car.
*at the Rivera house*
"If you guys need anything call ok?" Chris said. Brent nodded and waved goodbye.
They went inside of their house. "Wow it feels so weird and lonely" Jasmine said as Brent closer the door. "Yeah but we'll get used to it" Brent said.
"Hey Brent what happens if you get so many fans to the point where you can't even be seen at school?" Jasmine asked suddenly curious. "Then you have to take online classes I've had to take them before. Probably again this year since we're going to Digitour" Brent said. "Brent....are we gonna be ok without dad?" Jasmine asked as tears came down her face. Brent went over and hugged her.
"It's gonna be hard but we've got each other ok?" Brent said. Jasmine nodded.
"I'm gonna film a video do you wanna be in it with me?" He asked. "Sure why not?" Jasmine said trying to cheer up.
Everytime she thought about how her dad wouldn't be alive anymore, she felt like breaking down.
She felt like she was losing everyone slowly.

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