Chapter 58

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Once they got home, Jasmine got out and went to her room.
She wanted to have some privacy but couldn't since the police men were guarding the doors so they had to have them open.
Jasmine could see that they had put a security system into their house.
"Jas you ok?" Brent asked coming into her room.
"sure" Jasmine said looking down.
"Today has been a really tough day....I know you love him but is this all really worth it?" Brent asked.
Jasmine looked at him.
He looked like he was gonna cry.
"Brent what do you think I should do?" Jasmine asked.
"I know it sounds kind of selfish but.....I feel scared of the fact that that girl is out there and could hurt all of us at any minute.....I think you should be the bigger person and break up with Crawford.....Then we could move away so he wouldn't try to be with you. It sounds mean but Jas...I can't lose anymore of our family. This is for the best" Brent said.
Tears started coming out of Jasmine's eyes.
It hurt so much cause she knew he was telling the truth.
"You're right" Jasmine said.
Brent hugged her.
"I'll do it the funeral" Jasmine said crying.
She really didn't want to do it.
"I'm so sorry Jasmine I just can't lose you or mom" Brent said crying now too.
After a while they stopped crying and just scrolled through their phones on Jasmine's bed.
"I should go to sleep" Brent said.
"Can you stay the night in my room?" Jasmine asked.
She didn't feel safe in her room alone.
"Yeah" Brent said laying next to her.
They quickly fell asleep.
*the next day*
Today was the day.
The day her fathers funeral was.
The day she would break both her and Crawfords heart.
Don't. Cry she thought pushing back tears. Brent had gone to his room to change.
Jasmine went to her closet and chose her clothes.
She put on a black skater skirt with a black tank top and black cardigan. She put on her black flats and decided to put her hair in a pony tail.
She looked into her mirror.
I look good I guess she thought.
She felt like hell.
"Good Morning" Brent said coming in.
He was wearing his black tux.
"Mom is taking the day off all day today" Brent said.
"Why wouldn't she? She has to have a day off for this no matter what..."Jasmine said.
Her phone was blowing up.
She looked at it.
Fans were asking what had happened and why she wasn't posting videos anymore.
She got a text from Crawford but ignored.
It would just make it harder to....break up with him.
It hurt everytime she thought about it.
"Are you ok?" Brent asked.
"Well other than the fact that we're going to our fathers funeral, I'm letting my fans down and that I'm breaking up with my boyfriend so a psychotic bitch won't hurt me or my family......yeah I think I'm doing great" Jasmine said showing him her phone.
"I talked to mom she said we would move to Utah and live in the old house we used there when we used to visit on vacation" Brent said. Jasmine nodded.
"I can get a job there and try to help mom out" Jasmine said.
"We have online classes to keep doing too" Brent said.
Jasmine sighed and looked down.
"You know I'm doing this for your safety right? You're my little sister and family's first" Brent said.
"Yeah I know" Jasmine said.
How am I gonna leave Crawford? How will he feel with not knowing where I am? Will I have to block him? Jasmine thought.
She and Brent went downstairs to eat breakfast.
After they ate, they got into their moms car and she got in and started driving to the cemetery. People were already there.
Even Crawford and Chris.
"Stay close to us" the police men said to them as they walked over to the funeral gathering. Jasmine acted like she hadn't seen Crawford yet.
She didn't want to face him yet.
I can't do this. It will break him will break me apart Jasmine thought.
She went over to the coffin and looked inside at her motionless father.
"I miss you" she whispered as a tear fell down her face.
She felt someone grab her hand.
She looked over to see Crawford.
No no no no not now she thought.
He hugged her and she cried into his chest. "It's ok I'm here" Crawford said rubbing her back.
She felt so safe in his arms.
She was gonna miss being in them.
She was gonna miss everything about him. "Crawf can we talk" Jasmine said not daring to look into his eyes.
"Yeah sure what is it?" Crawford said.
"I...I don't think we should...."Jasmine couldn't finish. She started sobbing.
"What is it beautiful? You know you can tell me anything " he said obviously not knowing what was about to happen.
"I think.....we shouldn't be....together anymore" Jasmine managed to get out.
He stared at her with sad eyes.
"W-why?.....Jasmine I love you" Crawford said starting to cry.
More tears spilled out of Jasmine's eyes.
"I'm's for the best" Jasmine said.
She was about to turn around and walk away when out of nowhere a girl with knife came near her.
"This will hurt less if you don't move" the girl said but Jasmine was already running.
The girl tried to stab Jasmine but ended up just making a small cut through Jasmine's cardigan.
The policemen pulled out their guns and told the girl to take her hood off.
The girl smiled.
"Don't worry I'll be back" she said throwing a smoke bomb as she disappeared.
"Jasmine we have to get out of here now!" Brent said.
Crawford was stared at her.
Jasmine wanted to go to him but Brent was already dragging her with him.
Before she could say anything, he put her in the car, got in with his mom and started driving off.
*back at home*
Jasmine had finished packing her stuff.
They were leaving tonight.
She decided to change out of her funeral clothing.
Her arm had bled a little from the small cut so she washed it and bandaged it up.
She put on a a black shirt with her black and white flannel and denim skinny jeans.
She put her converse on and took her luggage to their car.
Once they had gotten all their stuff, they got into the car and started driving to the airport. Crawford had texted Jasmine so many times.

C-what did I do?
C-did I do something wrong?
C-Jasmine I love you please answer
C-is it because of Ana?
C-please answer
C-I need you please don't leave me
C-please I love you

Jasmine wanted to cry.
She was gonna miss him so much but it was for the best.
Brent looked back at her and gave her a warm smile.
She smiled back.
She needed to be strong.
For Brent, her mom, her dad and the rest.
She had promised her father that she would take care of her mother and Brent and being with Crawford would just put them in danger no matter how much she loved him.
*at the airport*
They waited for their flight to be called.
"Here" Brent said coming over with two Starbucks.
He gave Jasmine her favorite drink and she thanked him.
"So how'd Crawford take the news?" Brent asked.
Jasmine almost choked on her drink. "Um....look for yourself" Jasmine said giving her phone to him.
"Wow.....I'm really sorry" Brent said.
"It's fine....let's just not talk about it...we need to keep each other safe" Jasmine said.
Their flight got called and they started boarding the plane.
They took their seats.
The plane started to fly off.
Bye Cali and friends....bye Crawf... I love you she thought as the plane left for Utah.

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