Chapter 46

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"Hey what are you doing here?" Crawford said hugging her.
He let Jasmine in and closed the door.
"I needed to talk to you is Chris here?" Jasmine asked.
"No he's out with some friends" Crawford said leading her to his room and closing the door. "Ok well that makes this easier" Jasmine said sitting on his bed.
He sat next to her and looked at her confused. "What do you need to talk about?" He asked. "Crawf....I really REALLY like you....and I wanna be with you but...Brent thinks I've been hurt enough and that I should wait a while before I start dating again.....I'm not even supposed to be here right now" Jasmine said looking down.
"You came anyways? Jasmine why? I'm sorry Brent won't let you date right now.... I mean I really REALLY want you to be my girlfriend but I guess we'll have to wait.....Is there anything else you came to talk about?" Crawford asked.
Jasmine studied him and couldn't hold it anymore. She grabbed his hood and pulled him towards her.
She kissed him and he kissed back.
They kissed for about 5 minutes until Crawford pulled away and smiled.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"I won't be able to do that for a while and I thought I might as well start now" Jasmine said smiling back.
They both smiled and laughed.
"Hey bro I'm back I brought back some....oh hey Jasmine Brent didn't say you were coming" Chris said confused.
"Um I'm actually not supposed to be here so I'd rather you didn't tell him" Jasmine said.
"Well you better get back fast he just a texted me saying he's coming over to hang with us cause you're 'asleep' sooooooo go go go!" Chris said.
"Ugh ok I guess I'll see you both tomorrow Crawf I'll text you" Jasmine said hugging them both goodbye and running out.
She put her hood on to hide her face and ran. She saw Brent coming out of their room so she turned a corner and hid.
He walked past her without any suspicion. Jasmine laughed a little and ran to the door of their room as fast as she could and got in. Thank god he didn't catch me Jasmine said. She went to her room and set out her clothes for tomorrow.
She got a text message from Crawford.

C-that kiss was pretty amazing;)
J-STOP ur making me blush :)
C-Lololol....I love you <3
J- I love you too :) goodnight
C-goodnight :)

Jasmine smiled and turned off her phone.
She was about to go to sleep when someone unexpected texted her.
It was Cameron.

C-I messed up I'm sorry
J-it's fine but we're still over
C-yeah I know r we still friends? :'(
J-yeah sure I don't see y not?
C-cool :)

Jasmine turned off her phone.
Everything's happening so fast I wonder how things will be once we're back in California Jasmine thought.
She tensed up as she suddenly remembered that her dad still has another month till he dies.
She shook off the thought and tried not to think about it.
She decided to edit her video and post it so people could watch it already.
The fans started tweeting her.
Omg! You guys broke up?
Ana and Crawford also broke up maybe there is still hope for JASFORD!
You're so mean for leaving Cameron -_-
You should do another cover •.•
Jasmine laughed.
I should sing a song to Crawford Jasmine thought.
She would need to do it in secret.
She got another text from Crawford.

C-sorry but I have an idea ;)
J-what is it?
C-what if...we secretly date?
J- what if we get caught? Brent will kill me
C-don't worry Chris will help distract him from us
J-idk it's risky
C-I just wanna be with u :'(
J-me too...u know what?...lets do it
C-YAY :)
J-lol now GO TO SLEEP
C-lol ok ok ;)

Jasmine laughed and went to her bed.
She needed to sleep too.
@JasmineRivera: going back to Cali tomorrow;) hope to see you guys at the meet up, our plane lands over there at 6:00pm be there! love you guys <3
Jasmine tweeted.
She plugged in her phone and went to sleep.

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