Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Maddy's P.O.V

"Hello....hello?" I scream into the dark corridor. Where am I is all I can think about, whats gonna happen. I'm scared to death. One minute i'm in a closet with 1D and the next i'm kidnapped and thrown into some dark room with what seems to be some sort of long hallway. But I have one little question, if they A.S.S.L's knew I was with more people, why wouldnt they take them too? Am I gonna die? Is this the end of everthing. What if I cant get out. What if the kill me and-

"You know your really quiet, it's kinda freaking me out." I hear coming from the hallway.

"Wh-who are you'' I ask while searching around the room for them."Please, dont hurt me. I never did anything to you guys and 1D didnt either please...let me go" I say, tears ripping down my face. 

"Look calm down, i'm not gonna hurt you. I just need your help" The voice said.

"Will you show yourself first" I say with my ready to punch if this person trys to hurt me. But before they can answer me a hand grabs my arm and my fist plows right into their face.

"What the hell was that for???" She yelles. I could she is a girl now, dark brown wavey hair, big brownish eyes and a small frame. I could of sworn I had seen her before. She new why I was here, I had to find out why.

"Tell me how to get out, now!" I yell in her face as loud as I can.

"Please, I dont know. Dont get mad at me, I trapped here just like you are. But I may have an idea." She said wiping up here bloody nose I gave her. "Im Kristin"

Kristin, my best friend.....before she died

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