Chapter Twenty-Four: Congratulations are in Order

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We spent most of the night dancing with the rest of The Silver Eyes Pack members. Slowly though as the early morning hours arrived people started heading off, small groups here and there disappear into the rows of houses. Then larger groups wondered away.

In the end the music changed to slow and romantic, so my group decided that maybe it was time for us to turn in too. Tommy walks in front of us with Trick’s arm draped across his shoulders, Trick stumbles around talking gibberish in Tommy’s ear.

Tessa and Drew walks along beside me, Drew has his arm wrapped around Tessa’s waist which she doesn’t seem to mind at the moment. Drew looks forward his eyes still slightly dull in colour but he doesn’t let it show.

Nate walks on the other side of me, laughing at his brother his arm wrapped around my waist tightly so my whole side is touching his. I don’t mind it’s alright, though I think if I were a bit more sober I would be freaking out and moving away.

Trick looks back at Nate a big lopsided grin on his face. Then he mumbles something which Nate seems to catch because he chuckles lowly his arm tightening for a second. We stumble into Tessa and Drew as Nate leans more weight on me, I mutter an apology then try to straighten him up as he starts slumming.

“Nate.” I groan as his puts more weight onto me.

All he does in response is tighten his hold on me. I heave a sigh of relief when our house comes into view, Tommy kicks the door open and helps Trick through dropping him onto one of the couches in the lounge room. He turns to go but Trick grabs him and pulls him down to him hugging Tommy like a teddy bear.

I resist the urge to laugh as he looks helplessly at us.

Taking Nate toward the other couch his legs give out from under him and we both fall to the floor. He pulls me close to him as he mumbles something in my ear then passes out. I cast one glance at Tessa then follow him.

Coming back into the land of consciousness I let out a deep breath trying to get comfy, but when that doesn’t work I gingerly crack one eye open to see a clothed chest under my head. I quickly close my eye again squeezing it shut to try and remember what happened last night. Vague images pop into my head.

Opening my eye once more I stare at the clothed chest for a second before opening the other eye too. Glancing around from my spot I realise that I’m in the lounge room of my new house; I can see Tessa and Drew curled up on the couch near my both fast asleep.

I don’t move my head an inch scared to wake who ever im using as a pillow up.

So what awkward predicament did you get use into? My wolf asks as she yawns lifting her head up.

Um…. I hum peering around again. I don’t think any.

That’s alright then I suppose. She grumbles. Just ended up sleeping on someone then.

Well he’s still wearing his shirt. I say in a small voice.

And pants. My wolf states as she heightens my senses.

Yeah. I sigh.

Glancing around again I slowly lift my head up and turn it to see the face of my pillow. Nate’s amused copper brown eyes meet my own, a glint of something in his eyes that has my frowning slightly.

“Morning.” He yawns loosely throwing an arm around my waist.

“Yea morning.” I say as I look at the other couch to see Trick sleeping peacefully with Tommy tightly clutched to his chest, his eyes slowly opening from sleep.

Book One: Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now