Chapter Eleven: Check Up

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  • Dedicated to My bird Sparky :) hehe

Sitting on the small infirmary bed I swing my legs to and fro as I wait patiently for Jessie – my nurse – to come back and give me the all clear. She checked every inch of my skin, examining all the scars, most of the will be permanent but she said that some will fade with time. Which is a good thing, because I’m self-conscious about my body as it is.

The young woman who gave me the towel when we first arrived is sitting on the bed beside me. She has one arm wrapped around my shoulders as I rest my head on her shoulder, she hasn’t moved from my side since coming into the infirmary. To be honest if she had left, I probably would have run out after her. This place is lovely and all but it still makes me nervous.

I look up at the woman, her orange hair flows gently over her shoulder as she stares off down the infirmary. As if sensing me watching her she turns to look down at me giving me a gentle smile. “How are you doing?” She asks her tone gentle and polite.

“I’m alright I suppose.” I whisper as I glance down to the floor.

“What’s your name child?” She asks rubbing my shoulder with the hand that’s wrapped around me.

I flick my eyes up once more and meet her brown ones. “Amethyst.” I say quietly.

“That’s a nice name.” She smiles at me. “I’m Mia.”

“Thank you.” Is all I say as I turn my head and stare down the infirmary corridor listening to all the sobbing coming from other rescued wolves, groans coming from the injured wolves that saved us and lots of talking from various different directions.

I’m not sure how long I’ve sat on this infirmary bed staring down the corridor but it feels like it’s been for ages. Mia has sat with me the entire time, just sitting there holding me quietly as I stare off into the distance. I’m glad she’s here; it’s nice to have another female presence near me.

Jessie ambles down the corridor towards me like a woman that has all day, her deep brown hair tied in a ponytail at the back of her neck, her green-brown eyes meeting mine on occasion before glancing at someone else as she passes. I slowly sit up when she reaches the bed. She smiles at me then nods toward Mia in a silent greeting I suppose.

“Well, you have the all clear, so your fine. I’m sorry about the scars though.” She says with a bright smile that dims as she finishes.

I look at my hands ringing them in my lap for a second before looking back up to her. Giving her my best smile I say. “It’s alright. At least I’m alive.”

Jessie seems happy with my reply because the smile returns to her face. “I need you to wait here. The Alpha and Beta will be coming to meet you and ask you some questions shortly. I think their families are here too.” She gives me a pat on the shoulder then walks off.

I sit there staring after her as what she just said sinks in, slowly I turn to Mia. “The Alpha?” I say in a small voice.

Mia gives me a small smile. “Don’t worry; he’s not going to hurt you. No one here will.” She squeezes my shoulder reassuringly.

I let out a long breath of air as I notice a group of people walking towards me down the centre of the infirmary. The man at the front gives slight nods to everyone he passes.

Alpha. My wolf says simply.

How do you know? I question as I watch the get closer and closer.

Everyone is respecting him and he has this air about him. You’ll understand better once you’ve re-joined a pack. She informs me just as the group stops in front of me.

Book One: Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now