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The Silver Eyes Pack is all wrapped up tightly in their homes in the small community they have owned since the pack first moved into this neighbourhood. The only people out and about are a few guards who are strolling around and through the boundaries of their territory – making sure that nothing sneaks in.

In one of the small houses lives a family of four. The mother; Ruby – a striking woman with ruby red hair and brown-red eyes, the father; Jace – a tall muscular man with black hair and grey-blue eyes, the older brother; Noah – a tall well-built seventeen year old boy with light brown hair that has a tint of red and brown-red eyes.  He’s coming of age, so his father has been spending a lot of alone time with him preparing him for when he finds his mate. Noah doesn’t really know what to expect, but he’s slightly nervous but his wolf – his wolf is jumping for joy.

And lastly the younger sibling; Amethyst – who is a fourteen year old young girl with long black hair and the most astounding light grey-blue eyes anyone has seen. Amethyst hasn’t turned yet, her mother has been spending as much time with her as she will allow. On her sixteenth birthday she will turn for the first time, and with that change some of her physical features will change but that’s not all, she will also change mentally.

Tomorrow is Amethyst’s fifteenth birthday, she’ll be celebrating it with her family on a trip into town to get ice-cream, see a movie and have dinner out. Everyone is ecstatic about tomorrow, especially little Amethyst but after the long day she had today she didn’t make it past eight o’clock before she passed out from exhaustion on the couch, her brother took her to her room and tucked her into her bed. Then kissed her forehead lovingly before he too went to his own room to sleep.

Later on that night, when the time was slowly ticking closer and closer to midnight, three figures snuck into the community undetected. They moved from house to house casting glances into each of the rooms while taking a quick sniff to catch the sleeping persons scent. When they reached Amethyst’s room they halted outside. One of the figures standing right outside her window peering in, sniffing the air.

He looked over his shoulder briefly at his two men and then back at the closed window. He tested the window to see if it was unlatched, but when it didn’t budge he breathed out a frustrated silent sigh. He stepped aside to allow one of his men to walk forward and using his mind he opened the latch.

The first man stepped forward again sticking his head in the window and breathed in the scent of a young female non-turned wolf. He climbed in through the window walked over to the sleeping body and snatched her out of bed.

Placing a hand over her mouth to shush her panicked cries as he passes her out the window to his men and then climbed out himself. Then they take off into the forest heading back the way they came, back toward their own pack.

All the while Amethyst’s family nor any of the other pack members didn’t know what was happening, they didn’t hear or smell a thing so they just slept sounding threw it or continued patrolling the area they were asked to patrol by their Alpha.

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Haha so what do you think?? Do let me know via comment/fan/vote

Alright. So only the Prologue is written like this, the chapters will be in first person point of view.

But anywho


Book One: Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now