Bonus Story: Tessa's First Night with Quinn

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Tessa clutches the plain blue blanket tightly around her shoulders, gripping the thin rough fabric in her trembling hands just under her chin as she carefully scans the classroom as it slowly empties out.

Amethyst with her long black hair and bright silver eyes moves along beside Roman the Alpha's son of The Blood Eyes Pack who has now chosen her as his play toy until he gets bored or she dies.

The other four girls huddle closely together each clutching their own thin rough blankets in varying colours, some sob as they are guided out of the room toward a future they all know was bound to happen to some of them in the end.

Silvy walks out the door first, briefly she looks back at Tessa and gives her a small sad smile, her black eyes reflecting the emotions swirling throughout the room, and her black hair is roughly pulled up into an untidy bun.

Odessa goes next, she doesn't look back but she doesn't have to because Tessa can already see the tears streaming from her stormy grey eyes, her curly brown hair bobbing as she hunches her shoulders forward and disappears around the corner.

Nevada follows. Pale hazel eyes fixed on the ground, pale blonde hair flowing freely around her shoulders as she follows the others out to the leering voices of waiting Guards out in the hallway.

Rosalind stares straight at Tessa, a trembling smile on her lips as she lifts one delicate hand and briefly gives Tess a wave, her brown eyes fill with tears and just as she turns shielding her face with her ginger hair Tessa watches as the tears make treks down her friends face.

Staring at the now empty doorway, Tessa listens to the cries of the other girls as they are chosen by members of the Guard. Then the noise quiets down until it’s only a murmur, leaving Tessa the only girl left in the class room.

Tessa turns taking in the almost empty classroom besides for Alpha Mitchell who stands in the centre talking with his Beta Pierce. Neither of them take any notice as Quinn, Pierce's son takes a hold of Tessa's wrist and leads her out of the classroom.

She follows silently as they make their way through the confusing hallways, each looking exactly the same as the previous. When they finally reach the fifth - or was it the seventh? - hallway, Quinn stops outside a door and pushes it open.

Looking inside Tessa instantly realises that this room must be Quinn's private area, a large bed sits off to one side, wardrobe and draws against another wall, a desk is pushed up against the wall to the left, book shelves fill the space on either side, all filled with many colourful spins.

Quinn leads Tessa inside and shuts the door; he then releases her wrist and walks away. Toward the only other door in the room. "In here is the bathroom." He says over his shoulder just as he disappears inside.

Tessa stares around the room, and then glances back over to the door leading to the bathroom. She turns and starts for the main door leading out of the room but stops short as the thought of what one of those Guards would do if they came across her wandering the halls aimlessly.

She gulps.

Closing her eyes for a brief second Tessa slowly counts to ten in her head before re opening her eyes and turning around to stride over to the desk. Pulling out the chair she takes a seat and looks over the books on the shelves.

A blue hard back with gold letters draws her attention; wheeling the chair over there she reaches up and pulls the book from its spot. Turning it over in her hand she stares at the front cover. Like the spine it’s a plain dark blue with gold letters printed across the centre reading; The Legends of Druids.

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