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    Ana Koren loved how normal her life was now. But, when she was young, she wanted nothing but an exciting life of adventure and romance. Dramatic fights at every turn and epic battles between powerful opponents. Basically, from the time that she was three, her life goal was to be a ninja. Sure samurai, knights, and assassins were cool, but ninja, that's where it was at. Epic outfits, superb fighting skills, sneaky missions, sign her up! However, as time passed, Ana realized, "This is the real world and there haven't been any ninja since feudal Japan." Still, she held onto her secret ambition deep in her heart, despite the infinitesimally small chance that it could even be possible, let alone actually happen.

     Dreams of ninja-ness abandoned, she led a normal life. Ana was never particularly hard working, but she did well in school (she would never admit it, but she just skated through, only doing what she absolutely needed to do to get an "A"). She opted to do more important things with her time like drawing, reading and watching anime (she never claimed to be anything other than a nerd) instead of what she was supposed to. Barely keeping her head the entire way through, she graduated school with good grades, but not as valedictorian or anything like that where she had to try hard, and went to college. This past spring she graduated (on the Dean's List, she had tried more in college) with a major in chemistry and a minor in biology. With no idea what she was going to do with her degrees, Ana buckled down for a couple of gap years of interning and working to find out what the hell she wanted to do with her life. Who am I kidding? Ana already knew what she wanted with her life. She wanted to sit in her room at her parents house, read, draw, play dumb video games, and maybe write a little while her mom took care of her every need. However, this dream was about as realistic as her ninja aspirations due to her parents' strong belief in hard work, which, apparently, wasn't genetic. And so, after mulling over her possible future over a couple of drinks with her friends one night she never got to fulfill any of her plans.


Thanks for reading this far! I honestly don't expect anyone to read to this, but hey, I felt like procrastinating!! (I am really kind of similar to my OC, except she might procrastinate even more than I do. Is that possible?) So, uh, this is my first ever fanfic, or piece of literature in general, because I am too lazy too actually write down any of my ideas. Oops, I guess.

So thanks for reading and stuff and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!! I would love to improve my work. So, just don't be an ass, nobody likes asses.

Thanks ^_^

Edited 4/13/2016

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