Chapter 10

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So this is earlier than usually but eh

This chapter goes to: @RandomAnimeGirl17

Because she pointed out Mrs Cheng's admiration for their relationship so the picture is also dedicated to them

Also this is kind of short and i don't really know how I feel about this so either way enjoy. 

Also my new one shot book is released!

Marinette giggled when her friend clashes between them and hugged the happy girl. Alya seemed more excited about the date than Marientte.

The pair waved their goodbyes before separating for Adrien to spend time with Nino, another chat about his love; Marinette. Alya swished her hand to the side and held her bag cord and swaying to the side to find something to blog. Rumors and more rumors spread through high school like a wildfire; could be bad or good. Alya was the determiner of what is news worthy or not. In a way, her tactics to get information was scary.

Marinette let her breathe go for the first time since Adrien kissed her. She tenderly brushed her lips with her fingertips, feeling where his lips made contact. Marinette probably looked strange caressing her face but she was lost in the thought of her agreeing so easily. They had both-Marinette- decided that they should stay friends a little longer so they fully understood one another. Her logic was reasonable somewhere but Adrien couldn't wait, only lasting about half a day.

The teen was the only one left on the cracked sidewalk. Both her comrades fled to do their own things while Marinette was left alone. She let out a shaky breathe and serenaded a small tune as she started her walk to her school. She'd admit she was nervous to see him again.

School doors burst open as kids rush to their now starting classes. Marinette squeezed between the next group of kids who quickly formed a clump formation. She sighed and waved to some friends she saw in the crowd now separating.

"H-Hey Marinette." Nathaniel stuttered and twitched his thumbs. Marinette gave a warm smile to her friend who always seemed nervous around her. It was sad everyone knew he liked her, people can abuse that secret and many make fun of him for it. Marinette has been told multiple times, when spotted with Adrien, that she should go be with Nathaniel-being a perfect match. Two dorks should be together, according to Chloe.

"What's up, Nathaniel?"

"I-I just wanted to say hi and m-maybe-"

"Ah, Marinette!" A warm arm wedged it's way around Marinette's neck and pulled lightly so Marinette was submerged in the side of the person. "Oh, Nathaniel." Adrien cooed. "So funny to see you here."

Nathaniel squinted his eyes at his new threat. What does Marinette see in that guy?

The small girl looked up at the guy 'protecting' her. His blonde hair was flipped upwards which meant he ran over here, along with a few beads of sweat that started to glisten along his perfect skin. She was glad he was here but frowned outwardly when the boys started to insult each other.

Nathaniel gave a huff and said to meet him at lunch, he had something he wanted to ask Marinette; for a long time now. He waved a goodbye and gritted his teeth to his rival.

"Gosh, that guy needs to-" Adrien received a whack from Marinette who watched Nathaniel grow gloomy from his meeting with the couple.

"You need to be considerate of Nathaniel's feelings."

"Your siding with him?" Adrien gave a shocked expression. The hero crossed her arms puffed out her cheeks, a blush threading to color her cheeks.

"No, I'm just saying he's a good guy and I could at least-wait a minute." Marinette stretched her face into a smirk which scared Adrien. "We're you jealous?"

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