Chapter 11

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So apparently I had to delete a lot of apps to even publish this part. Idk why but apparently my phone dosnt want me to have my pictures either. I don't even have that much downloaded. Like it got so bad I couldn't even go into wattpad without it telling me I couldn't cause I didn't have enough space.

Anyways sorry this is late but OMFL 11.1 k. WTF HOW DID THIS HAPPEN. Thank you guys so much.  And guess what, when I was writing this note I didn't notice that the word count change and HALF MY STORY GOT DELETED.

Marinette stretched her arms and woke up to the fluff of hair in her face. Her eyes focused and showed Adrien holding her from behind, blanket on top of them. Warmth filled her body and rose to her cheeks. The teen recalled last night where the couple had done some studying on Marinette's living room couch, eventually falling asleep cuddling. She gave a small yawn and snuggled back into his chest.

Adrien woke up to the movement of his love getting comfortable.

"Up early are we?" He teased as she flicked her hair to face him. Marinette wore a pink shirt, long sleeved, with pajama pants and her hair slung over her shoulders, down.The boy brushed a strand of lose hair out of her face and smiled. "I think this is the first time you've woken up early." He pressed his nose to hers. Marinette giggled and stretched her arms, pushing away from him.

She got up and asked what he wanted for breakfast. Adrien said he was good with anything and shrugged. Marinette nodded before turning her heel to go get breakfast for them both. Adrien playfully smirked and swatted at her butt. Marinette turned around her face red, Adrien couldn't tell if she was mad or blushing.

"Oops, Chat's here." She tackled him on the couch and friskfully attacked him with a pillow. He scrunched his nose and grabbed a pillow to protect himself from her petty attacks.

"You are so going to pay for that Agreste."

"Try me, love bug." Adrien flipped upwards off the couch and ran to the other side of the counter. Marinette followed him, a pillow in hand.

Adrien hid behind the tile and waited patiently for Marinette. Her foot stomped just into view which he grabbed and leaped on top of her. Adrien spread out so he was hugging her on the ground, trapping all her escape routes. He lifted his head to see her pout with a pink tint flaring. Adrien leaned down and pecked her lips before getting up and brushing himself off.

"Your horrible."

"But you still love me~"

"Yeah, I guess." Marientte smiled and walked over to the fridge, holding her butt with her back hands so he didn't try anything. She opened the fridge and put one hand on her hip, the other on the door. The cold blast of air chilled her from the heat she felt before.

"So, what do you want? We have eggs, some frozen waffles, uh, looks like milk for cereal, anything appealing?"

"How about we go out for breakfast? I can drive." Adrien smiled and reached for his pocket. He pulled out a ring of keys, only about four circled around the center. The keys jingled when they hit the counter top. Considering the team had finished the party decorations on Friday they didn't need to come in on Saturday.

"I thought you had a driver?" Marinette closed the door with her back and leaned against it, a smug look on her smooth face.

"I still took the test, come on." He beckoned her to follow but she declined due to the fact she was in pj's and hasn't brushed her hair.

"Alright but hurry up."

{So this part is for everyone who ships Tlagg, cause everyone's freaking out about them XD}

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