Bonus Chaptee Part Six

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"Wait, what? You can't-"

"Hey!" A man yelled, finally spotting Marinette behind a balance beam. She turned her head to see a man holding a gun towards her, a fedora placed upon his head. Tikki squeaked while yelling at Marinette to start running. She quickly took action and ran past the man who was now saying something into a walkie talkie.

"Please tell me-" Tikki fly beside her and directed her down another hall to run in.

"We can't talk about this now. I'm sorry I had to tell you that way, but you wouldn't listen to me. Marinette our main priority is to get out of here. Luckily I know where the exit is," Tikki said before pointing with her small arm where to go.

"How do you know?" Marinette asked while turning and seeing another guard waiting for her.

"Call it magic, but i'm a fairy remember?" Tikki pulled her aside to let the man run past and waited for the coast to be clear. She nodded her head again when the hall was deserted and they continued their escape.

"I told Plagg to find Adrien," TIkki explained to her. "He'll find us in no time once Plagg alerts Adrien."

At that moment, Marinette would have teared up and cried for joy knowing her husband was coming to get her. She knew she couldn't though. There were men still after her and she had just to many surprises on her mind to even think about crying right now.

Master Fu.


Adrien coming to get her.

The baby.

She took in another gulp of air to catch her breath only to be lurched forward by a force. Marinette fell to the ground with a thud and looked up to see the men from before, both holding a gun in their right hand.

"Well, well, look-ie who's decided to free herself," the taller man said with a mocking tone. Marinette stayed quiet and silently prayed for Adrien to just burst through the door to say a cat pun. Sadly, their fighting days were over and Marinette now had to watch her activity from the small child she was carrying inside her. She can't even believe it just yet. They had made sure to use protection, she thinks, and she had taken a pregnancy test. The couple weren't ready for a baby just yet.

Marinette glared at them, not attempting to make a move but slowly sat up to face them more. She saw one talk into a device while the other looked at her to see if she would make any movements. 

Tikki was no longer in sight and probably went off to see if Plagg had found Adrien yet, or something to free her.

If these men were working with Hawk Moth then he should be here, right? 

No, he wouldn't hide himself in a warehouse by the beach. If he faked his own death he's much smarter then they thought. That's what doesn't make sense. Hawk Moth said all those emotional things but maybe he was just trying to mess with their mind. However, his own gag tricked the kwamis into leaving and going back to the box. That must be powerful magic if he can do that.

"Alright girlie, stand up," one ordered at her. Marinette looked at them and slowly stood up on two feet, glaring at them still. She guessed they didn't like the way she was looking at them because the taller one slapped her right across the face--hard. Marinette squeaked and fell to the floor once more, whimpering when she touched her right cheek. 

A man came from behind them and grabbed her by the arm, yanking her up off the ground. She whined again when they pulled her to the side to make sure she wouldn't try something. The men ordered her to start walking, their guns still in hand. They tied her hand behind her back and the three men followed behind Marinette as she walked back to her cell.

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