Bonus Chaptee Part Seven

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"Marinette, paw-lease?" The dorky cat stuck out his lip in attempt to get his wife on his side. "It'll be better for you."

After Marinettes discovering that she was pregnant, her whole life has been run by her adorable husband who panicked over everything she did. She honestly thinks of she sneezes he'll call the doctors to make sure his angel isn't sick.

She sighed and put a hand on his cheek, stroking her thumb lightly against it. "Adrien, sweetheart, it's a pillow. I'm not going to stop carrying it around just because you think it's too heavy."

"But what if you fall?" Adrien attempted again but only received a slightly annoyed expression from her.

"Then I have the pillow to catch me," she told him whilst stroking the decorative cushion in her hand.

Adrien whimpered and tried giving her a pouting face like she used to when they were kids. But it was no use against the great Ladybug herself. No one could convince Marinette once she made up her mind--no one.

He gave her a crooked smile and tried grabbing the small pillow from her dainty little hand, only to be swatted away by Marinette.


Marinette believes she started showing signs of her pregnancy around mouth four. It was a little late but her tummy was now a little, warm bulge for the reporters to eat up.

That just sounds gross.

It happened when they were walking in the park and Adrien decided to get the two a treat from the ice cream stand. When he left her on a park bench under the shade of a tree, a women with sharp glasses and microphone in hand pushed questions at the young girl.

"Are you Mrs. Agreste?" she started off with making sure she had the right person. When she confirmed her suspicion, the women then asked if Marientte was pregnant.

"Well, uh, yeah..." she mumbled quietly to herself.

The women's eyes went ablaze for she was the first one to hear from Mrs. Agreste that she was pregnant from the once/still famous model.

"Do you know the gender?"

"Well we still have a few weeks to go until the ultrasound checkup, but we're planning to keep it a secret," Marinette giggled nervously under the intense stares of the crew and now some bystanders. 

"It's defiantly a boy," Adrien boasted behind his wife and set the frozen treat in her hands. 

Marinette sighed and took a small scoop of her dessert to bring it to her mouth. She hummed as a response to Adrien's comment when the reporter stared spewing really personal questions. 

After a hour it seemed, the couple walked trough the park hand-in-hand with each other. They listened to the soft breeze and the new autumn leaves crunching under their feet. Marinette only had a little less then five months to go and then she would have a little baby to cradle. At first it scared the parents to have a child of their own with Hawk Moth still on the loose. But something Tikki had said to Marinette helped ease her mind about the idea of a child for them to protect Paris. 

Adrien smiled at Marinette's scrunched up, thinking face she made as they walked. He gently poked her forehead to get her attention. She turned to him with a raised eyebrow and her hand rested on her stomach.

"What's on your mind, love bug?" he asked while still holding her opposite hand.

"The baby," she mused quietly. "I'm just worried something could happen."

"Hey, don't worry so much. We'll be great parents, and soon proud at our son's great deeds he does," he coeed at her.

"That doesn't make a lot of sense but alright," Marinette whispered softly before resting her head against his shoulder.

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