Chapter 6

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This story is dedicated to: @mllu8101 beacause they're so sweet and I love her story "Secret Identity." (I think) Sorry if I'm wrong.

Ladybug stumbled over the rim of the cage when Hawk Moth grabbed her hand after opening the  door. Her legs felt weak as she rubbed her right bicep, guilty about betraying her partner and friends. It wasn't like that though, she had too. Either way people were in trouble. As Ladybug she's trusted with the responsibility of all those lives.

"I will be seeing you soon, Ladybug." Hawk Moth gave a sneer that made her slouch lower and rub both her upper arms.

Ladybug felt very guilty now, she was driven by her fear to make the deal. If she was under her normal circumstances then she would have already defeated Hawk Moth, but without her weapon or partner she couldn't do anything.

The girl shuddered against the cool air that only sunken her heart more. Her betrayal is for sure the last thing she'd expect to have happen to her today.

Marinette lunged down from the window and toppled onto a umbrella perched below. She landed delicately on the cobblestoned floor. She jogged, slightly picking up pace as she went, to find a hideaway to change back into herself.

Her steps faltered as she found herself back at her parents bakery. How could she face anyone after this? Marinette is going to deceive everyone, including the one she loves most; Adrien. Ladybug raced past her home to find her scapegoat. Another step and she would have found a quiet, abandoned alley to transform back, but the world just loves her.

Chat Noir dropped twenty feet from the air and landed on his partner, both turning over one another before stopping. Ladybug laid on top of Chat chest as they both looked at each other breathless.

"My lady? Is it you?" Chat asked in shock. Ladybug was stunned from impact at first before shoving herself off of the cat.

"Of course it's me, who else would it b-be?" She stuttered slightly.

"Everything alright, Ladybug?" Chat took her hand for reassurance. Ladybug tried to rack her brain for a smart remark but was still dazed from the meeting with Hawk Moth. That didn't matter, Hawk Moth said they wouldn't be harmed...if she got his miraculous. Hawk Moth promised he wouldn't hurt them, Ladybug could still save everyone. Plus, there was still time to trick him somehow.

"Everything's fine, silly kitty." Ladybug pushed his nose back and placed her hands on her hips. "I was just going for a ride with the nice, little akumas until I kicked their butt."

"Oh, I have this by the way." Chat Noir held his hand out to her with her yo-yo glimmering in the daylight. Ladybug thanked him before running off to find an alleyway to change.

Chat watched as his beloved left him with no sign of worry or fear for herself. How was it she was so calm at a time like this? At least she seemed it.


Marinette looked from behind the wall to see if anyone was in sight. The streets were filled with silence which was odd for the busy Paris roads. She stuck out her foot and began her way home.

I messed this up, Marinette thought, why would I trust him anyways? The guy obviously is sly and manipulative. I just got caught up in his web of lies like everyone else. He makes promises for his victims but will always end up betraying them. Marinette thought until she reached her home.

Mrs. Cheng watched as her daughter ran inside the door. She welcomed her quickly because Marinette was already halfway upstairs by the time she heard her mother.

Tikki looked at her friend and found her cowering on the corner of her bed, slid against the wall. Marinette lifted her head to show Tikki her bleak eyes. The normal blue swirled with red now circulating around her pupils. The kwami could hear but couldn't see what happened at the meeting with their nemesis. She could understand why Marinette was upset, she basically deluded all of her friends and family. Marinette could doom them all in the clutches of Hawk Moth.

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