Chapter 7

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From this point on I believe there's going to be more fluff. It really depends cause I seriously don't know what's going to happen XD Also sorry this is so late, I've been super busy and it's hard to update sometimes. I will be trying to update every few days but school sucks and wants to interfere with my writing so....

"Princess, I am just here to check on you." Chat's elbow rested against the frame of the door and smirked at her. His green eyes watched as she turned around in her chair and frowned slightly.

Marinette looked at him and rolled her eyes, tears threatening to flow. "You wouldn't understand it," she muttered to herself.

"Wouldn't understand what?" Chat raised a brow hearing her light voice. The secret hero looked at her 'protector' and thought, he wouldn't guess she's Ladybug, right? To get his miraculous she might have to open up and reveal to him. Marinette didn't want to disloyal her best friend, yeah she knows she hates him but secretly she'd be lost without him. The've had so many battles and times where Marinette couldn't just get from anyone. Tikki had even explained to her once the miraculous is in the hands of another, the powers are transferred to the other. Unless the hero dies in battle, the earrings can be stolen and never returned. 

But the whole 'revealing' thing was a last resort, she couldn't let Chat know who she really was, it's just to embarrassing. Seeing a brave heroine save everybody turn into the shy, clumsy girl from a normal high school isn't exactly thrilling.

"I'm about to do something terrible, Chat Noir. Something I shouldn't have agreed to, but I did." Marinette turned her heel and intertwined her fingers halfway while unraveling them every so often, like she was nervous. "And now lives are in danger, because of me..." She trailed off and turned back to Chat whose face stayed a cocky grin. Chat wasn't worried, 'lives in danger'? The princess probably means like her school dance or something small. Adrien knows Marinette sews so if she means lives are in danger he thinks she means hearts. Adrien would be upset if he didn't look stunning on that night anyways.

Adrien watched a single tear escape her sapphire eyes and wiping it away. Chat's heart sank as her dreary look was shrilling that this could be more serious then he thought. "Look at me, crying again." She chuckled slightly and sniffled, her nose turning a shade of pink. Her eyes meet his and for a second it felt almost like she trusted him with every secret she had. Almost like they've known each other for years, which they have, and even closer then where they both stood. On either end, the other is just someone in the city of Paris, because of their furtive that had come in between them from really opening up to each other. It was almost like she started to feel a strong desire to be with this silly kitty. 

 Marinette quickly looked away with a slight blush from her thoughts that sang a alert in her ears. She was getting ahead of herself, Chat was just a friend, a best friend, who didn't even know Marinette for Marinette. 

Chat was so close, he almost felt like he could trust her with his identity. He's been dying to tell someone, especially Marinette. Marinette seemed more intreigued with him than Ladybug did, and every once and a while he'd have these little moments where it only felt like it was him and her, alone. If Ladybug didn't want to be close he'd settle for Marinette, but was it wrong? He's asked himself that question time and time again. Chat loved Ladybug but she never returned his feelings. Marinette was somewhat different than everyone else. SHe didn't care if he was Paris's hero, she was never flustered around him when it was Chat, she seemed to like him for him.Even their talks lifted his heart and though sometimes a 'fangirl' jolt will hit her she always comes back to her cocky self. Marinette's cocky side was what attracted him the most, almost like his lady's.

"Mind me asking what happened?" Chat took both her hands, rubbing the back with his thumbs. 

"I can't tell you." Marinette pulled back both her hands and wrapped them around her arms, encasing herself. This was to embarrassing for her, either secret she keeps to herself would end with disaster.

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