Bonus Chaptee Part Five

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"Marinette?" The small creature asked with bug eyes.


The door closed shut, the sound symbolizing the arrival that Adrien had made his way home. He yawned while carrying his bag that he had from his office.

"I'm home." Adrien called to his wife who should have been in bed well by now. He didn't think about yelling throughout the house, probably going to get in trouble for waking his love up from sleeping. He walked to the counter, setting down his brown briefcase. He rubbed his temples with both his fingertips to soothe the headache he started to get. 

Adrien had closed his eyes for a second until he decided to go back to his room. He heard a crunch as his show picked up from the sound, his eyes snapping open. He twisted his foot to see glass embedded in the roughs of his shoe.

"Marinette?!" Adrien called worridly as he carefully stepped through the remainder of the house, swinging the bedroom door open. "Marinette?"

The room was pitch black, the curtain swinging in the wind, the window wide open with no traces of a struggle. He found only the broken phone in the house that was out of place. Marinette must have been taken, but there would have been a definite sign for help if she was kidnapped. Unless she was druged or knocked out, then she could have easily been snatched and taken somewhere else.

Adrien felt his breaths quicken, but not from worry or distress. He felt anger boil to the top of his head, steam filtering off of him. He was mad at himself for leaving her alone for something like work. That was less important then his wife who still could not stand up for herself in her Marinette form. She had gotten better, becoming more confident, but that was years ago. The couple didn't have to worry about things like villians or kidnappings. The shock must have left her defensless, not able to protet herself from the attackers. He felt himself grab a jacket and a phone, dialing people at random.


"It's not real, you're not real." Marinette mumbled between breaths, tears sprinkling inside her eyes.

"Marinette, it's me." Tikki told her calmly, floating to her side to show her herself. Marinette crained her head to see where she had flown to to see her flying to the other side of her head.

"You can't be, you left after-"

"After we defeated Hawk Moth?" Tikki asked in a cheery tone like always. "No, I didn't."

"What do you mean? I saw you leave." Marinette told her with a quivering voice. Tikki sighed before drifting to the ropes bounding her wrists and trying to undo the ones on the right.

"I thought we did. Plagg and I got teleported back to the box. When I thought we were all resembling before departing, Plagg noticed that Nooroo was still missing. Hawk Moth wasn't defeated, he played all of us." The restraints fell to the ground, Marinette taking the hint to untie her feet.

"Then that means he's still out there." Marinette restated before standing up, stepping over the vomit that was still stained on the pure white floor. "We have to tell Adrien."

"Marinette, if you havn't noticed, we're kind of trapped here." Marinette nodded as she searched the room for any secret areas.


"What? She's missing?" Alya said into the reciever.  Adrien could hear shuffling and a loud twack before he listened for Alya's voice again. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm calling the police, but there's no leads to where she went." He told her, balancing the device between his ear and shoulder. Adrien was driving down the slim road to find any signs of her disappearance. So far, there was no traces of his missing Marinette.

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