Authors Note (Pretty Important)

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It's not what you're thinking, like i'm going to end the book or something. I love this book to pieces and I can't wait to see how the bonus chapter turn out.

There's just one problem.

I know most of you only read my books, but for those who don't just see me as a person who wrote this book and see my as a person that still has human emotions I thank you. I'm not saying everyone is like that, but there are people who just read my book without reading the author's notes and leaving sweet comments. I'm not yelling at those people saying they're heartless and they should vote and leave comments i'm just saying some people don't realize that i'm a human being too.

A lot of my plot twists are emotions that affect me in my life.

Tragic, I know.

Although, for those who are still with me, i'm going to tell you a sob story---about me.

A few months ago I collapsed during my races at a meet, being a runner and all we thought it wasn't to serious but we still took me in to my doctor. They ran tests and other things and suggested I go see a cardiologist. 

So I did.

They put my on a heat monitor that would monitor my heart beats and I was restricted from any activity for awhile. It honestly broke my heart that I couldn't run or play basketball and all i could d was hear the beeping machine of my heart monitor. It'd flash blue during the night to still show me that it was on, which I hated cause it always reminded me it's there. And when we sent it back, I was so relieved.

Until yesterday.

My mom told me that we were going to the doctor and me, thinking my birthday is on Sunday and it was an annual checkup wasn't nervous or anything. It dawned upon me that she said I had to leave early to get there and that's when I realized it wasn't a normal checkup.

We were going to go the cardiologist--again.

So I went, and I now have heart arrhythmia. It's not serious or anything but it does quicken my heart beat unnecessary. Like I said, the doctors don't think it's serious but it's something they want to keep looking over.

That's why, i'm going to take a break from Wattpad for awhile. 

I'm tearing up right now because I love writing but with all the decisions I have to make right now, it's really hard for me. Doctors are suggesting medicines, a pace maker, and other surgeries that i'm terrified of. I'm really sorry for telling you all this but I felt like I needed to give an explanation before I take a break.

I think the last thing i'm doing on Wattpad is editing my other story and then publishing it before I take a small break.

Thanks for everyone who's supporting me and I hope i'm back soon.

I love you all.


(This is like a month later but I'm back)

Is it bad I want to leave this up because all your support really makes me feel better?

I will actually leave this up but I am back everyone and yeah.

That's really it...

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