Chapter 16

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"Tikki, spots on." Marinette called as Tikki flew inside the red orb on her ear. A flash of light appeared after she was fully transformed, except not in her usually superhero getup. A dress, mid-thigh length, gripped right around her body. The dress itself was a dark black, a rip in the front that showered a red with red spots over her chest area to her waist. A see through sash fell on the back that matched the tear in the front. The gown was held up by a ribbon, tightened around her shoulder and tied in the back on both sides. For affect, a side ribbon fell over her shoulder for elegance. It was designed to be able to move around easy and still save Paris. The dress had spandex under to make sure no one saw anything they didn't want to.

Marinette glanced in the mirror and admired her stitching. When she was satisfied she nodded her head and tried to boost her confidence. This was it, everything her and Chat Noir trained for. Her gut feeling still had not left, and that akuma gave her no second thought.

Her heels clicked down the hall as she tried to find a way to appear in front of the building rather looking like she went to the bathroom. It was to late because Chloe came running down the hall, screaming like a mad man about Ladybug. She grabbed Ladybug's arm and locked them together, escorting(more like dragging) her to the dance floor. Of course they made a lot of noise, Chloe screaming that Ladybug was at her school and because of Marinette flailing her arms to get away from her.

In ten minutes she had successfully dragged the superhero to the middle of the room, grabbing the attention of almost everybody. There were pictures taken and papers shoved at Marinette before she excused herself to get a drink.

Ladybug let out a sigh as a crowd of people formed at the table full of sweets. Their backs were to her and didn't turn around when she walked up behind them, apparently to focused on what was at the table. Not that she complained; having peace and quiet was a good thing. Marinette will probably have wrinkles on her face by forty because of the dumb feline-Chat Noir. The kitty cat was positioned at the table, smirking and winking at the girls gathered around him.

Chat was dressed in white dress pants and a open vest, green on the inside of course. A high sleeved black shirt rode up his arms with a bell draped lower than it normally is. He had some kind of gloves on with his mask still covering his identity.

Ladybug pushed people out of the way, grabbing the fangirls attentions, earning more horrific screaming. Chat turned to come face-to-face with a steaming Ladybug, arms crossed and held a lovely scowl on her face. Chat gulped and gave a nervous laugh before he was pushed away from everyone and into a hallway.

The noise finished as the door shut the music and people out.

"What are you doing?" Marinette held the bridge of her nose.

"Same as you." He scoffed at her.

"We don't need to be flirting with the 'fans.'" Marinette rolled her eyes just enough so her mask moves with it.

"I was not flirting--you're jealous." Chat's playful smirk stretched across his face as he leaned forward, tempting Marinette. His flirtatious attitude still hasn't changed or maybe he was just tired of not having her around him, even if was only for a day.

"Not even close." Ladybug pushed his face away with her finger on his nose. She explained to Chat that while their here they should stay together, just in case Hawk Moth lures one of them away. Not that Marinette didn't trust herself, it was more Chat. He was angry at her, one wrong step and he could be akumatized.

"You got it?" Marinette reached for his hand to lead the way back to the floor. With one swift movement, Chat had grabbed her wrist dragging her out the metal door and to the dance floor. Just her luck too, a slow song. Once Adrien had heard the slow rhythm cruising through the metallic door, he had to find a way to get her out there. Chat, being as gentlemen-like he could, wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. Ladybug raised an eyebrow and side stepped to keep up with him.

"Chat, what are you doing?" Marinette followed his lead on her tiptoes with her black heels clicking along the floor.

"Great place to figure out what happened." Ladybug raised an eyebrow before realizing he was talking about her's and Hawk Moth's meeting.

"Now?" The black feline nodded his head. "You won't listen to me." The twosome swiftly cut around the floor, gaining stares as they danced together in step. Ladybug never knew Chat was a good dancer; she didn't know he danced at all. Now their movements were harmonizing together as they slid their shoes around the room.

Many of the students had stopped and took pictures or just stared at them with their mouth hanging open. It was no secret the two were a thing, to the nakid eye, but something was clearly off about them. Every so often it felt as though Ladybug flinched from his touch as Chat repositioned his hands around her petite waist.

"We've got another two minutes." Chat Noir smiled his goofy smile, his anger unraveling as they contiuned their ballroom dance. Marinette nodded her head and looked at her feet, making sure she wouldn't mess up their repetive dance circles.

"Hawk Moth promised me he wouldn't hurt anyone. I didn't believe him at first but the way he set up the metting, either way I'd lose." Ladybug's bangs swept across her brow, revelaing the frightened eyes behind them. "I didn't have my weapon."

Chat gave a sad frown and gritted his teeth. "It was that day I let you get taken away by the akumas." Marinette nodded and flicked her head over her shoulder to glance at the groups forming behind them. Her faced darted back with a hint of pink shaded across her nose.

"He could have easily taken my miraculous. I had to make a deal with him to give myself more time to find a way out of the situation; I porimised that I would get your's too. I'm sorry, Chat." The twinkling insect brought her eyes to meet his. Adrien gave that face where he thought for a long time, his face completly relaxed but at the same time had a very angry looking face. It would have scared you if you didn't know him like Marinette did.

"And I didn't give you the time to explain youself..." Adrien let out a breathe of warm air that tickled Marinette's hair so it blew backwards. "I should be sorry."

"Chat, you have nothing to be sorry about. I was the one who sat around and forgot about it. I should have told you." Ladybug's eyes glossed over with a slight mist of tears, swallowing her fear back down into her stomach. She had told him; she had actually told him everything.

The blonde chuckled a soft laugh and rested his head on his partner's forehead. The awkward dance concluded with the last melody slowly drifting away with the crowd. No one moved, to mezmorized by the superhero's actions.

"I love you." Ladybug wispered under her breathe. Her pink lips moved slightly before shutting quickly and closing her eyes. The eyes showed off the makeup Ladybug's outfit came with; a dark black coated with red.

Before the cat could respond with equal love, a loud boom came through the opposite room. The wall came crumbling down, screams echoeing around the room as people fled to find safety.

Sorry it's short but you guys have probably figured out by now there's going to be a cliff hanger on each chapter till I finish.

Anyways you guys are amazing. I love readying your comments. They honestly make my day.

Alright love you guys.


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