Chapter 15

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Adrien thanked Alya's mother and politely excused himself and Marinette. She was reluctant to go but was ushered away by his strong hands gripping her waist and steering her to a back room. When they both entered he locked the room and turned to her, a nonchalant face scanning her.

"You look-"

"Save it." Marinette snapped. "What are you doing here?" She folded her arms together across her chest and raised a eyebrow at him. Marinette wasn't going to forgive him so easily, true she hurt him first but running out of her room without an explanation caused pain for her too. Adrien wasn't the only one hurt too.

"Look, I'm not thrilled either, but Chat Noir is supposed to protect-"

"Oh, like Chat 'decided' he'd protect Marinette when he confessed." She spat at him, still holding her ground about him dashing out of there.

The blonde slid a hand down his face and waited a few seconds. During those extremely long seconds he looked around the room, anything to distract him from the cute pouting Marinette did when she was angry.

"Okay, I get you're hurt too-"

"Hurt? Hurt doesn't even begin with what I'm feeling. Adrien-"

"Enough!" Adrien yelled as he gripped her shoulders, forcing her to look into the green orbs that searched her face. "I came to protect Tikki." He stated simply. "Plagg sensed something wrong with her and has been visiting her every so often. Damn, what did you do to get your kwami to start to die?"

"Shut up! I didn't do anything. You, of all people, will never understand." Marrinette let her voice raise as she emphasized the 'never.' This situation wasn't the time to start yelling at him. Marinette needed to calm down and focus on her objective: getting Tikki back to health. Fighting with Adrien wasn't going to solve anything, in fact, it was going to make things worse for Tikki.

"Alright, I'm sorry." Marinette muttered under her breathe, hoping her red hue on her face would diminish. "I shouldn't have gotten angry. Tikki isn't going to get better with us fighting, so I suggest we just make up." Marinette watched as he backed away and nodded in agreement.

"So, we're cool?" Adrien held out his hand to her, she gladly excepted and shook on it.

Both simultaneously whispering, "Partners."


Alya jumped in excitement as a purple rose slipped on her hand, the corsage paired with her dress. She thanked her date by planting a small kiss on his cheek. Smoke could be seen as Nino's face glistened red from the small gesture. Alya muffled her giggles with her hand and heard the click of another picture being taken of the moment.

Marinette and Adrien came back a few minutes later, the corsage around her left wrist. Somehow Adrien had known to wear a pink tie, matching Marinette's dress. The flower even coincided with her outfit.

Alya flinched and crossed her arms, giving a disapproving sigh as she noticed the gem around the wrist of her friend. She thought Marinette was smarter and wouldn't forgive that guy as quick as she did. The poor girl has been crying all Sunday and now she was all dandy in the arms of her betrayer.

Nino took notice at the two and pulled his hat down lower, letting out a dejected sigh as well.

The pair held hands as they walked out, putting on a show as if they were going together. After Marinette had explained her feeling about tonight, Adrien had suggested they keep close in case there was any trouble. For sure many would stare if they did go "just as friends" and question considering their performance in school.

"Not how I expected this night to go, but it'll do." Marinette muttered under her breathe, Adrien nodding in agreement.

"Just purr-fect."

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