Chapter 4

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Three, mildly important, things.

1. Watch the video its legit the cutest thing ever!

2. I'm warning you now there is minor cursing and I wanted to ask you guys if that was okay. Some of my books have cursing and idk if y'all are cool with that. Leave a comment and tell me because I don't want to say anything and get someone upset.

3. Guys. Omfg half a thousand. Thanks so much ❤️

Chat Noir made his way through Paris, jumping from roof to roof. After Marinette's dramatic problem with the freezer she went home an hour before everyone else. Adrien doesn't blame her, that whole mess probably scared her. She does have a really curious friend though. Alya noticed that Adrien wasn't in the room during her rescue after Marinette left. Alya questioned him, thoroughly, but eventually shrugged it off. He said he went looking for the feline and never saw him so when he returned he missed all the action because Chat Noir was already there. It was a white lie really, he was looking for Chat Noir but gave up and became him.

Adrien's green eyes found Ladybug sitting atop a building waiting from him to take over patrol.

"My lady," she turned to him perched on a rooftop above her with a smug grin, " beautiful as always." Ladybug rolled her eyes as her partner slipped down to her level. She explained it was a quiet night and there were no akumas in sight. Chat couldn't help but notice her rubbing her arms rapidly.

"Cold?" He smirked at her, wiggling his eyebrows for flirtatious effect. Ladybug nodded meekly and pulled out her yo-yo. She muttered a small goodbye before taking the small circle and steering it to a lamp post. Marinette jumped off and swing again to reach another lamp post and so on.

Chat looked back at her stunned. Not from her very attractive body but because she didn't have a comeback to his comment. Ladybug always has some retort for him or she just rolls her eyes but this time he got nothing. Maybe she was upset about something or maybe she was upset with him...

"Damn it." Marinette cursed under her breath. Tikki flew next to her, patting her shoulder for reassurance. She was surprised that Marinette chided that word to describe her feelings but she understood, somewhat. Marinette knew she let her emotion show in front of Chat but she couldn't help it. Getting locked in a freezer and almost dying is scary after all. You wouldn't expect it to be as treacherous as losing a battle but it was close. Marinette could have died. How many times has she mentioned that now?

"What do I do, Tikki?" Marinette pressed her cheek to the desk in her room. Even her computer screen filled with pictures of Adrien couldn't cheer her up.

"What do you mean, Marinette?" Tikki asked still watching the broken down teen. Typically Marinette is quite happy from her meets from Chat, always giggling at his foolishness, but something was different.

"How do I explain to Chat how I acted today?" She exhaled deeply and sagged her eyes halfway.

"I'm sure that Chat Noir didn't even notice it. You normally don't like his jokes, so what's the difference?" She comforted the heroine with her words buts still something felt off. Marinette thought back to when her and Chat first started working together, which was in ninth grade, and how he was a little shy at first. Only about a month later did he turn into his obnoxious self that flirted with Ladybug. Now it felt weird to be around Chat, Marinette always felt a tension between them.

"You've never cared about his feelings before, so why now?" Tikki raised her eyebrow(?). The kwami sometimes could tell what Marinette was feeling before she even realized it herself. As of right now the mini ladybug felt a sort of love towards the feline, but Marinette seemed to have hated Chat Noir from the beginning. She couldn't be developing feelings for the self absorbed black cat.

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