chapter 29 - warning and our way out

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Contest is now closed :) thanks for all who entered i will be choosing the people soon :) anyways last week of summer :''''''( god i hate school... why can't we just go to school to learn about one direction all day? then i'd like it. rambling again...anyways here's chap 29. also i am editing the story. like ACTUALLY editing this time not putting it off. so say good bye to twilight and vamp diaries. I am like seriously tired of people commenting "this is like twilight" or "vampire diaries and twilight wish i thought of that." and blaaahhhh blahhhh okay if you haven't already noticed.... I KNOW okay?! that's why i'm editing so if you don't mind STOP DAT love you guys but seriously i already knoooowww

also do any of you guys have any stories you've written? i'd love to read them! let me know! :)


*Delilah's POV*

I rolled over, and spread my arms out on my mattress. i had expected Harry to be there, but he wasn't. the bed was cold. I sat up, and rubbed my face with my hands. I turned to the side of the bed, and swung my feet off the side. I got up, and let my feet fall onto the cold, wood floor. i shivered slightly, and folded my arms over my chest. I walked out of my bedroom, and i walked down stairs. As soon as i was out side the kitchen i smelt a sweet smell, making my stomach begin to growl. I pushed open the door, and walked in. Harry's toned back faced me, as he was cooking at the stove. "you cook?" i asked, and walked over to him. he chuckled, and nodded his head. "yeah. i figured you'd be hungry when you woke up, so i decided to make you breakfast. if that was okay." he said with a dimpled smile. "of course." i said, as a smile formed on my lips. Harry looked down at me, his green orbs tracing me. "how'd you sleep?" he asked quietly. I looked up at him, and he turned his focus back on the food he was making. "good. better, since i knew you were there, protecting me." i said smiling once again. I saw a dimple poke out onto his cheeks as i said this. "i was happy i was there to keep you safe." his deep, husky voice filled my ears. I looked up at him, and watched as his eyes focused on what he was doing. his brown curls, were held back by an army green beanie, and his pink lips were very plump. there was something different i had seen though. his skin was paler than usual, and he had small bags forming under his eyes. " need to feed." i mumbled. he scraped the food out of the pan, and onto a plate. He handed it to me. i took it, and brought it over to the table, and sat down. He sat across from me, and watched as i ate. "will you be okay if i leave?" he asked quietly. I nodded, as i took a bite of the eggs he had made. "I'll be fine. especially with this amazing food on my plate." he chuckled lightly, and stood up. He leaned over the table, and kissed the top of my head. "i'll be back in a few minutes. don't answer the door for anyone but me." he told me, and turned to go out my back door. He flashed out, and i watched out the window as he ran in vampire speed into the Forrest.

       I put my plate in the sink, and walked into the living room. i sat down on the couch, and turned on the Tv. I flipped through the channels trying to find something interesting to watch. I figured i'd watch the news, because nothing else seemed to entertain me. "Last night a few local kids were found dead in the woods, close to the high school late last night..." it showed a few pictures of the kids. i didn't know any of them, but i still listened to see what had killed them. "they have seemed to be drained of blood. No one has figured out who or what has killed them, but detectives are on to the case now." the news man announced. I heard the back door open, and then close. I heard a pair of feet pad against the floor, and I turned to make sure it was Harry. The figure walked into the living room, and it was indeed Harry.  his eyes no longer had bags under them, and he looked completely refreshed. He looked up at the TV screen, and came and sat by me on the couch. "Who were the kids?" he asked me. i shrugged, and turned the volume down a little. "i didn't recognize any of them." I mumbled. "they were drained of blood." i told him. He looked over at me, with wide eyes. "again?" he asked. i nodded, and looked back up at the TV screen. "do you know who might have done it?" i asked him. he shrugged his shoulders, and wrapped his arm around the back of the couch. I turned and looked at him again. "do you?" i asked, with my eyes wide. He looked down to his lap, and blew out a breath of air. "When i went to feed just now...i smelt someone. It was familiar....i think it might be-" i cut him off, knowing what he would say next. "my mother?" i asked quietly. he looked into my eyes, and nodded slightly. "yeah..." he mumbled. I looked down at my lap. why did she even have to be turned? why couldn't they have just left her alone? "did Vivian's friend ever say why he had turned my mother? why couldn't he just...leave her alone?" i asked, my voice starting to crack.  Harry shook his head, and pulled his bottom lip behind his front teeth. "well like Vivian said...he's a Caring vampire. he doesn't like to kill humans, and he likes to try to save them if he sees them in pain." i nodded, and looked down at my hands. All of a sudden my doorbell rang, making me jump slightly. I looked up, wide-eyed at harry. He smelled the air, and turned to look at the door. "it's her." he mumbled. We both got up, and started walking towards the door. Before he opened it, he put me behind his back to protect me from her if she tried anything. He opened the door, and we were met by my mom's worried eyes. "Delilah." she whispered. I nodded, and she looked behind me. "can i come-"            "No"  harry cut her off quickly. she glared at him, and rolled her brown eyes. "I can keep myself contained now. i won't touch her Harry." she said looking him in the eyes. Harry turned to me, asking if i was okay with it. I slowly nodded, and stepped out of the way with harry, so she could get past us. She walked in, her heels clicking against the hard floor. Harry shut the door, and took my hand, and bringing us after my mother.

She's Not Afraid {Harry Styles}AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum