Chapter 3 - Store

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Picture of Daniel >>>>>

Just a warning. The characters from LAIKI and LTTI barely appear in this book (except for Lucky and Daniel’s parents of course)

It’s basically a fresh set of characters in this book. Except of course you know Lucky and Daniel were born in LTTI


“I don’t want to meet anyone” Carter complained to Nick who had been trying to get Carter to meet his other friends. They were standing up next to Nick’s locker. Over the past few weeks Carter had to admit he and Nick had become friends but he didn’t want friends to begin with. He made one friend but that was it. He refused to make any more friends with anybody else. Nick had been complaining for a while that since he spent a lot of time with Carter he didn’t get to see his other friends and his girlfriend missed him.

“C’mon, just one person” Nick begged.

“Fine” Carter grumbled. Nick dragged Carter by the elbow to three people who were standing around chatting. This was not one person.

“Carter, this is my girlfriend, Maria” Nick said, gesturing to a girl with long, dark hair and pretty blue eyes. He gave her a tight smile and shook hands with her.

“Nice to meet you” she said, smiling brightly at him.

“This is Daniel” Nick said, pointing to the tallest guy, Carter’s eyes widened when he realized Daniel was the guy he saw with Lucky at the park. He nodded at Daniel and Carter introduced the third person who had been staying quiet.

“And this is Ryan” he said, gesturing to the last guy, he looked just as athletic as Daniel and he had sandy brown hair and brown eyes.

“Nice to meet you all” Carter said, trying to be polite.

“Nice to meet you man” Daniel said, pulling Carter in for a man hug which startled him. People in this school were a bit too friendly for his taste. “My sister is supposed to be here but she’s probably late” he continued after letting go of him. He would have pushed him off since Daniel wasn’t that much taller than him but he looked like was a lot stronger.

“Or in the principal’s office” Maria put in, looking amused. Carter had remembered Principal Walton implying that Lucky was in the office often. He smiled at the thought since Lucky did seem a bit troublesome.

“Or in prison” Nick added, which made Daniel and Maria burst out laughing, Carter felt a smile tugging at the corner of his lips at Nick’s joke. It would have probably been the first time he cracked a genuine smile in over a month.

Just then, he heard footsteps and when he turned around he saw Lucky running towards them. In her rush, she had accidentally bumped into Daniel and they both fell over. The students in the hall turned around to look at them and then they simply went back to their conversations which put Carter under the impression that this happened often.

“What got into you?” Nick asked Lucky when she got up. Carter just watched, these people were clearly crazy.

“Principal Walton…..bubble wrap…” she answered but she was short of breath so Carter had a hard time understanding what she was saying. He had been leaning against the locker, avoiding conversation, but he stood up straight and leaned in closer to her to understand her.

“What?” Maria asked Lucky, looking confused.

“I bubble wrapped everything in his office and he’s mad” Lucky said, looking proud.

“Mom and Dad are going to kill you” Daniel told her. This confirmed Carter’s suspicion that they were related.

“No they won’t” Lucky said smirking. She looked over at Carter and gave him a warm smile. He couldn’t help but smile back. “I remember you.” She said, pointing at him. “You’re that guy from the office. What was your name again? Caleb? Conrad? Cale?”

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