Chapter Twenty: Higher Power

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Chapter 20: Higher Power:

        Once Angel arrived at Buffy's home, he quickly entered through the front door as smoke was coming off of him. He used his right leg to shut the door behind him before he pulled his jacket down from being over his head. He looked to his right and saw Giles, Willow, and Xander were all sitting in the dining room. He sighed deeply before making his way into the room and stopped at the end of the table across from them.

"I was told by Xander that you wished to speak with me?" Angel asked Giles. Giles stood up from his chair and just nodded before he made his way toward the kitchen to leave Xander and Willow alone in the dining room. Angel started to follow him but was stopped when Giles turned back around and drew his attention to Xander and Willow.

"You two go ahead and take a break; you both earned it." Giles said to both of them, they quickly got up from their seats and left the dining room. Giles just softly smiled and shook his head.

        Giles continued into the kitchen and stopped in front of the fridge and just stood behind the counter. Angel slowly entered the kitchen soon after Giles and sat down on the first stool that was by the counter. He looked at Giles and waited patiently for him to speak. Giles cleared his throat.

"Angel, I wanted to speak with you privately because I do not want everyone to know of this," Giles stated to Angel, who just nodded. "I would like to know if you have ever heard of Beljoxa's Eye?" Giles asked Angel. Angel rested his elbows on the counter and just stared down at the counter top.

"I have heard of that creature, yes. But have I ever come in contact with it? No, I haven't," Angel answered Giles truthfully.

"Well, I have. Anya and I actually. We both came in contact with this creature and asked it about the First Evil and why it was attacking Sunnydale and all the Potential Slayers," Giles continued to explain. "The creature is an Oracle-like creature which is in another dimension. A difficult one to get to and sometimes to even leave," Giles began to explain his visit with Anya.

"I heard that and also that this creature is a large, rounded floating ball like thing with many eyes," Angel added and Giles nodded.

"That is exactly right. Not a pleasant thing to look at but it is powerful. Its power is to see the past and the present. But unfortunately it cannot see the future," Giles finished. Angel just looked confused.

"Well, and excuse me for saying this but if Beljoxa's Eye has that power to only see the past and the now what makes you think that it could help us with what's wrong with Spike? I mean we mostly need to know the solution and what is to become of him. That technically is the future, right?" Angel asked Giles and Giles nodded.

"Indeed you are right, Angel. But I am just at a loss here. I have tried all that I could and I am running out of ideas of what to do next and I fear that we are going to fail and Spike will never come back to Buffy," Giles answered Angel. Angel cleared his throat and soon got up from the stool and made his way closer to Giles.

"I want you to answer me something honestly," Angel started his sentence as he stopped himself inches from Giles' face. "If it came down to it, would you feel any type of sadness if we weren't able to help Spike?" Angel asked Giles. Giles lowered his head.

"I hate to say this since I know if Buffy ever found out; but no, I wouldn't. I would not feel any type of remorse if we fail at this," Giles honestly answered Angel. The latter gently nodded his head as he took a step back. "I mean, Spike is a cold-blooded killer. And yes he is a vampire and he may now have a soul like you, but I am sure that you can agree that he is not like you," Giles stated while he leaned his back up against the fridge.

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