chapter 9

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Kira's POV:

I couldn't go on todays boring old D ranked mission with the team cause I had to immediately start my training with my other sensei; Hiashi Hyuga.

I was a bit nervous on the way to the Hyuga compound.

The Hokage told me that he would be putting in the next mission we were going to have, since I missed this one D ranked mission out.

As I made my way to the gates I could see a very shy Hinata standing there,

"Huh?, Hinata what are you doing here?" I curiously asked her.

"O-ooh K-Kir-a Ch-Chan I was se-sent here to le-lead-d you to t-the hy-hyuga training gr-grounds." Hinata stuttered while fiddling with her fingers.

"*Sigh* At least its someone I know and can get along very well with".

Hinata lead to a medium sized training area which consisted of a few stumps, target boards and some practice dummies.

It was pretty plain but alright as well.

"Thank you, Hinata" I said, just then a man wearing a white robe (sorry don't know what their called) approached Hinata and I.

"You must be Kira Hajime, welcome to the Hyuga compound. My name is Hiashi Hyuga, the head of the Hyuga clan and your sensei." Hiashi uttered.

"You will call me by Lord Hiashi or Hiashi sensei, is that understood?" Hinata had already left saying she had to go meet up with her team.

"Hai, sensei" I spoke as I straightened up.

"Good. Now activate your Byakugan, we will begin training. I expect a lot from my students, now, Hajime show me what you are able to do with the style of gentle fists and what jutsu you might know. from there on I would help you out into either teaching you or improving your skills."


"Now tell me what are you able to do with the Byakugan." Hiashi asked as he crossed his arms and went to stand under a tree to avoid the heat of the sun.

"Well, I am able to do the gentle fists obviously, and I have grown quite accustomed to the byakugan since I first used it."

"Do you know any jutsu known only to the main house hold? If you do what are they and how did you find out."
Why was he asking me these questions? I don't know.

"yes I do, I taught myself how to do one of them though, which was the 'eight triagrams 64 palms' as for how I found out. well, the Hokage lend me some scrolls once and I came across the 'eight triagrams 64 palms'."

Hiashi seemed to be in deep thought about something, I was about to ask him what it was until he called out for one of his servants.

"Bring me Neji Hyuga." His servant bowed and went to receive this Neji.

I've heard about him from the Hokage saying that he was the Hyuga clan prodigy and that no one had inherited such a strong kekkei genkai.

Hiashi's POV:

I waited as one of the servants went to fetch Neji for me.

He was going to help test Kira on how well she was with the arts of Gentle fists.It was quite impressive for someone her age to master such an advanced jutsu.

Even my daughters, Hanabi is still in training for that jutsu, Hinata can't even do it yet and to think, a non member of the clan mastered this.

She might end up being the prodigy of her clan. I must notify the Hokage of this later. Soon I heard footsteps approaching our way, soon enough the footsteps belonged to Neji.

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