Chapter 1

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Kira's POV

7 years, it's been 7 years since I've last been in Konoha. I've been doing a bit of traveling around from one village to the other and now I've decided to come back home.

My names Kira Ayame Uchiha Hajime, yeah I know long name right, well only because apparently my father named me Kira which became my first name and my mother named Ayame which became my second after both of them couldn't decide what name I was going to get so instead, they decided to name me both Kira and Ayame. I'm also 12 years old sooooooooooo yea.

As I was getting closer and closer to the gates of Konoha I could see two men supposedly guarding the gates arguing which one is stronger than the other. I sighed to myself already hearing deafening and annoying arguing starting.

"No!, I'm stronger than you Kotetsu!!!" said a guy with one eye visible while the other eye was covered with a layer of hair.

"Everybody knows that I'm stronger than you Izumo!" said the guy who I presume is Kotetsu say to the other guy Izumo who I have just heard say.

Finally their racket fell silent as I walked up to them, "Halt who are you?, State your purpose here" Izumo commanded as he finally took notice of my presence.

"I'm here to see the hokage." I replied. As I explained to them that I have been traveling for quite some time they finally let me see the Hokage and decided to escort me there.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After escorting me to the Hokage building they told me to turn left and take some stairs on the first floor to my right(even though I already knew that) I turned left and took the stairs on the first floor to my right.

I knocked on the door and patiently waiting until I heard a "come in" coming from inside the Hokage's office. I opened the door then closed it after stepping inside the office.

"Greetings Hokage" I greeted.

"Hello young child how may I help you" he said as he took a puff of his smoke pipe.

"Lord Hokage, I  have come here permission to reside here in Konoha if that is alright with you" I said as I bowed in honor of showing respect to the Hokage,

"here you say" The Hokage says as he looks at me with his eyes full of curiosity,

"Tell me young one may I ask what your name might be?"

"Kira" I replied in an instant,

" what is your full name Kira?"

I sighed  " My full name is Kira Ayame Uchiha Hajime"

His eyes widened as I uttered my name clearly for him to hear.

" Did you just say Uchiha and Hajime?" He asked with his eyes still widened,

"yes" I replied.

Soon after the conversation we had the hokage allowed me to stay in Konoha.

He gave me some money because I ran out from the last village I stayed at and my keys to my new apartment.

The Hokage also mentioned to me that I could go to the Hajime compound and settle down there since he also said something about me being the only Hajime ever in existence if I wanted to stay there.

I was about to close the door when I heard the Hokage say " Oh, and Kira?"

" yes, Lord Hokage?" I said just hearing him,

"Welcome back" he said with a smile on his face, seeing him doing this I simply did same thing to him as sign of saying 'Thank you' to him, and with that I went to start my new life in Konoha.

A/N: so how was it please comment or vote, like or do something let me know what I should add and stuff and don't I will reply to your comments and stuff. I will make an update whenever I'm free and stuff, you know because of stupid school I have been handed like a billion bunch of homework and assignments so yeah. Oh and who should I get Kira with???comment and I will decide from the most votes and stuff, if you want I could add in something for the story in each chapter for those that want to make this sound a bit more interesting:) Anyway see yaaaaah!!!

Half Hajime/Half Uchiha.《Book 1》Where stories live. Discover now