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I gape at the setting before me. It's perfect. Little fairy lights are laced around the trees, rose petals are scattered around the picnic blanket, and he's got Netflix set up on a projector.

"It's perfect, Cam." I look at him , only to see him giving me a cheesy smile.

"I tried. Just a little bit."

"Fuck I love you so much." I say, giving him a light kiss on his lips.

My phone buzzes,

Jai : let's hang sometime. me&you.

Me : um, let's not. me&cam. now don't text me for the rest of tonight.

Ugh. I'm not going to let Jai fuck up my perfectly planned out night.

To be honest, I love this sweet, romantic date. I'm not sure what I ever did to deserve Cameron. He's never rude or anything to anyone, besides Jai - and even then he's very patient with him.

I laugh slightly at the movie - the inbetweeners 2. This is perfect.

Nothing could fuck anything up now.

A little bit of insight as to what Cams like. He is actually really sweet and caring in the book btw. What do you thinks gonna happen?

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