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I look in the mirror and perfect my makeup, deciding to go and see Kaidyn.

Walking next door, I knock on the door to be greeted by Jai.

Before he could even say a word, I cut him off.

"Listen, I know you don't want me here, but I'm not here for you. I'm here for Kaidyn. Ask whatever you want, but please just let me see her. You know i have the right to see her. Don't even try and deny it. I know I've fucked up but I've never done wrong by her. "

He mumbles a few incoherent words underneath his breath before opening the door wider, granting me access.

"Before you can see her, you have to answer to me."

I nod and sit down. I'm really not up for his shit, I just want to see Kaid and go. But if I have to answer to him to see her, I will.

"Why didn't you see her sooner?"

"Jai, she brings back memories. Memories I wasn't ready to revisit yet. It's hard to reminisce about such a hard time. My walls were built up so high. I was happy. I still am, but I need to see her Jai. I haven't seen her in like 3 months. Please."

He nods, obviously not up for me or my shit either. Even though it isn't shit.

Bringing K out, tears instantly well up in my eyes. On the brim of my eyes, they threaten to fall. I run over to her, engulfing her in the biggest hug.

"Jai, please, please, please let me have her for today and tonight. I'm only next door. Please. I really need some quality time with her." I sob, on the verge of falling to me knees and begging. I don't think he's ever seen me so vulnerable.

Obviously hesitant, he agrees after an agonising minute.

"Thank you, thank you thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." I scream with joy, running over to him. Jumping on him, wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing him on the cheek.

Regaining myself after my little outburst, I stand straight, going back to my normal state.

"I still hate you."

He smirks, knowing he somewhat broke down a part of my walls.

"Have fun ladies."

Has this changed you perspective on who Kaidyns mother is? Or do you remain by your first assumption?

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