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I widen my eyes, disgusted at the nerd before me.

"You gave Jai STDs?" I scoff, "yeah right, no one would want to get in bed with you. And if they did, they'd only be another nerd who'd have no chance of having STDs, let alone giving them to you."

I stifle a laugh, until I see she is completely serious.

"Wait... What the fuck? That's foul. You disease ridden geek. Tell me your full name and roll mark class, then get the fuck out of my presence. Oh, and don't even try a false name. I've got connections that will fuck you up. " I seethe.

"Vicki Barret, 11C."

"In an ace class, aye? Well, it was horrible to meet your little freak ass, but you may leave."

Realising it was break time, I walk over to the gossip girls, informing them of the newly found information about the STD rat.

Walking over to my table, I sit on Cams lap. He's whispering sweet nothing's into my ear when I'm tapped on the shoulder. Rolling my eyes I look up to see who intruded mine and Cams little sweet talking.

"What the fuck do you want?" I sigh, looking up at Jai. "Oh, and don't touch me with your STD infested hands."

"Why the fuck did you tell everyone?" He glares. If looks could kill, I'd be long gone...

"I didn't. I just had a bit of small talk with my little friends over there?" I say, waving at the gossip girls.

For some reason, they get excited and start swooning over my wave.

The fuck? I just waved.. Weird ass bitches.

"You're fucking impossible. You have no filter whatsoever. Do you even think about how the affects people on a daily basis? No, because you only think about yourself-"

I cut him off.

"And cam." I say in a monotone voice.

"Anyways, you are a cold hearted bitch. Who doesn't care about anything-"

"Those who are heartless once cared too much." I say, no emotion seeping through my words.

'' you are a fucked up individual, willow."

I give him a blank look.
"Are you done? Because that went in one ear and out the other. But if you seriously keep up with this attitude shit, I will make sure your deepest secrets are made known. Test me if you like, but it'll only turn out one way. And it won't be in your favour."

You can faintly hear people saying things like, 'roasted' or 'rekt'.

Immature imbeciles.

Behind Jai stands Luke and Beau, staring wide eyed at the scene before them. They grab Jai and drag him away, while I resume to the moment that was taking place before Jai interrupted us.

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