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"Truth or dare?" I ask James. It's only me and him playing, the other boys have gone out for a while.


"What is the biggest secret about Jai that you know besides the one about Kaidyn."

He gives me a funny look, slightly hesitant to answer. I can tell by his expression the he's tossing up between whether to tell me or not.

Sighing, he gives in.

"He got STDs after fucking one of the nerds."

Stifling a laugh, I regain myself - proud of my efforts.

"Truth or Dare?" He asks.


"Tell me something you think I should know."

Leaning over to his ear, I whisper softly, "you're going to hate me after Monday. I'm not who you think I am"

And with that, I turn on my heal, exiting their house - leaving James completely and utterly speechless.

Upon arriving home, I receive a text from Daniel.

D; wdym?

W; huh?

D; what'd you mean when you said 'you're going to hate me after Monday. I'm not who you think I am' to James?

D; what'd he tell you?!

D; what're you going to do?

D; whys he gonna hate you on Monday??!

W; wait and see.. wait and see.

I then compose a message to Jai, Luke and beau.

W; can't wait to see you at school on Monday, boys :))).

J; wtf r u going yo do?!

B; ffs willow, when will you give him a break? He's already suffered enough from the first time you did shit to him.

W; oh, beau. Don't think your little episode at my house the other day has gone unnoticed.. I can guarantee you will not be let off lightly this time.

W; I have so much shit on all you boys. don't test me. The only one I'm getting along with rn is Luke.

L; please try end give them a break. I know they're dickhead, but srsly it needs to stop somewhere. When high school ends you'll have accomplished nothing from this. It hasn't benefitted you and it won't in the long run.

W; it has benefitted me on the popularity scale ;) and I may not have accomplished anything, but I've got a whole hell of a lot of satisfaction.

Pissed off with them, I call Cam, asking him to come over for a movie night.

Drama coming up!!! If cam and willow were to break up, how do you think they would?

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