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"Wow, Willow - your style has changed... A lot." James says, trying to not be rude.

"I know," I giggle. Looking down at my out with, a short high waisted black skirt - my ass was literally hanging out the bottom. And a really short crop top - if would be mistaken for a bra if it didn't have the patterns and prints on it. My boobs were basically falling out of the top of if. "Easier access for the guys." I wink.

The boys give me a bit of a funny look, obviously remembering the old Willow.


When we arrive at the party, I instantly lock eyes with Cameron.

Giving him a long, hard kiss, we were rudely interrupted by and awkward cough, emerging from those standing behind me.

"Why are you with those losers?" Cam whispers.

"Long story."

He snakes his arms around my waist, facing the boys.

"This is my boyfriend Cam. Cam this is Skip and James. You should know the other three." I say, gesturing to each of the boys.

They all do some kind of bro shake.

Skip obviously remembers what Cameron was like when he asks me the question that he clearly didn't think through.

"Why are you dating this douchebag?"

I see anger rise in Cams eyes, but he stays calm.

"Do you even have a filter, Daniel? Especially when he's standing right there. That's just asking for a fight. And dont think you would stand a chance against him - even with the help of the others because you'd basically have our whole school at your throat. That was really low. I thought higher of you. And you're not even drunk. I came here to have a good time. And you're not going to ruin it. Now if you don't mind, I'm excusing myself to go take some body shots. Get me when you're going home. I'll probably be in one of the bedrooms fucking Cameron." And with that, I turned on my heal storming away - Cameron not far behind.

Cameron is nothing like what he appears to be. He is really sweet, but tough. He is faithful and caring towards me. He doesn't force me into anything I don't want and is the perfect boyfriend. He understands me. Even though at times, at school he may seem a bit ignorant, he really is sweet.

I still can't believe the nerve of Daniel.

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