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Arriving home, I drive my matte black Lamborghini into the drive way. I live by myself. I inherited a lot of money off of deceased family members.

Getting out of my car, I see the 5 familiar boys on the drive way next door.
Jai, Luke, Beau, James, Daniel.

I only go to school with Beau, Luke and Jai.  (ik their ages and stuff, but I'm adjusting it to fit the story. Okay? Okay)

"Oi, Willow! Come join us for our next video." The boys mustn't have told skip and James what happened - which is unusual, considering those boys tell each other everything. I smirk, walking over to them.

Time to fuck some shit up.

"Hey, Skip. Long time, no see." I say, sticking out my bottom lip - acting like I actually gave a shit about not seeing them. I did kind of miss them, but let's be honest - I way prefer where I am now.

Skip embraces me into a firm hug. Over skips shoulder, I see Beau, Luke and Jai giving me disapproving looks. I just smirk, giving off a bad vibe to them.

When skip lets go, I return to my sad face.

"Oh, and James! I missed you so much! You are looking great, may I say," I say, jokingly checking him out.

"So boys, what's on the agenda for today?"

I've written all the way up until chapter 15 😊❤️ cmnt what you thinks going to happen/where you want this to go, as I'd love to incorporate some of your suggestions. I can still change chapters. I may even like your ideas more than my own, so please leave some comments!! ❤️

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