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I slowly open my eyes, checking my phone to see what time it is. Noticing it's time to get ready, I grab cams hand that is snaked around my waist and slightly shake him to wake him up.


Arriving at school, I walk in hand in hand with Cameron.

"Do you want me go walk you to class, baby?" he asks.

Shaking my head, I tell him to go over to his friends. After trying to persuade him for a while that I was fine by myself, he finally obliged and went to his group of friends.

Looking at the time, I see I still have 45 minutes before class starts.

Walking over to the gossip group, they part so I could fit beside them.

As they aren't usually approached by the most popular girl in school, they were surprised by my presence.

"Alright. You know the drill. Listen and don't interrupt." I say, leaning against a locker. They all nod, looking at me expectantly. "Jai brooks got STDs after sleeping with a nerd. I expect most of the school to know by tomorrow."

Leaving their little group, I turn around to see a girl I've never seen before, looking guiltily at the ground. she had the potential to be really pretty, but she obviously didn't approve of all that attention. She looks up, a bit frightened by the fact I'm standing about half a meter away from her.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I look deep into her eyes, before questionably raising them.

"Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

"N-no" she stutters, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"No, I think there is." I say, grabbing her forearm firmly, "and I think G9 looks like a nice little room to talk in."

Dragging her down the halls, I'm stopped in my tracks, by the only and only, Jai Brooks.

"What do you want?" I ask giving him an impatient look. "I've got things to do," I say signalling the helpless girl, whom I've still got a firm grip on.

"Please," she whimpers, "I've got to get to first period. Let me go."

"Let her go," he says through gritted teeth.

"I suggest you let me go, unless you want to be even more destroyed than you will be as of lunch."

He shakes his head

"Really?" I ask. "Fight me." I say, knowing he will back down, as I'm a professional boxer, trained by the best. I've never lost a fight.

He moves out of my way.

"Good choice."

Arriving at G9, I shove the girl into the dingy little classroom underneath the stairs.

(Omg I have that room at my school and it's an actual classroom, but it's fairly smallish)

"Spill," I say intimidating the girl more than I already am. "That is if you want to leave anytime soon."

She sighs, giving in.

I smirk, not realising it'd be this easy.

What do you think she's got to say??

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