We're Here

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I was shook lightly and a pair of soft lips met mine.

"Capri, we're here. We're in London." Michael said trying to contain his excitement.

I have no idea how long we had been on the plane. Michael and I boarded last night around 1 am. We talked for about an hour before he fell asleep on my shoulder. Then I fell asleep too, and now we are here.

I had to admit I was excited to be here. I had been to many places in England, but never London. London was a first, but I guess there was a first for everything.

We exited the plane and made our way to the luggage pickup. We grabbed our bags and left the airport. We stood outside of the airport and Michael ailed a cab.

The cab driver opened the trunk and we stuffed our bags in and entered the backseat.

"Where to?" The elder asked us. His British accent was thick and little bit sexy.

Michael lent up and whispered in his ear.

The cab driver nodded, "that's a great place young man. Are you here on a honeymoon?" He asked.

My eyes widened as Michael sat back in the seat. A sneaky smirk plastered his cute face.

"Yes, we actually are." He said.

My face reddened as my grip tightened on his hand. He looked over at me and winked. He just lied to the cab driver.

I admired the beautiful scenery in London. The buildings were magnificent and huge. There was such a peace about London. Even though the streets were littered with people, it felt so tranquil.

The cab driver pulled over on front of a huge building and Michael paid him, really good if you ask me.

Michael exited and grabbed my wrist and pulled my playfully out of the cab. A bell hop greeted us at the door and took our bags from us.

"You must be Mr. Clifford, we have been expecting you. You room is ready. Penthouse just as you requested." A young lady said from behind the front desk.

Michael nodded and took the room key from her. He took my hand as we entered the elevator.

"How did she know who you were?" I asked.

He searched for the night words and finally spoke.

"You will be surprised who knows me here." He said acting mysterious.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked. For some reason it was weighing heavy on my mind.

"I have been here before, my family owns a lot of businesses in London." He said.

I decided to leave it at that, not wanting to pester him.

We entered the top floor and there was a short hallway and only one door. We walked over to it and he unlocked it.

He opened the door to reveal a beautiful room. The room was white everything and a chandelier hung in the middle of the room. It looked like royalty lived here. I was breath taken.

Michael held the door open as I entered with my mouth agape. He smiled down at me as I passed him. Once I was fully in he shut the door as he too entered.

"It's so beautiful," I said turning around to face him.

"Your beauty has it beat though." He said making me blush.

I loved it when Michael decided to be cheesy romantic with me.

"Tonight we have a romantic dinner date at the restaurant that this hotel offers, so I think we should just hang out." Michael said taking both of my hands. "Then we should shower, together." He said raising his eyebrows.

I just laughed as I let his hands go. I had no idea where I was going, but I was looking for the bathroom. I longed for Michaels touch and I would waste no time to get it.

Michael followed me as I searched the penthouse for the shower. After entering about three rooms I found the master bedroom. Towards the side of it was a shower across from the bed.

I looked behind me as I stood in front of the shower. Michael was sat on the edge of the bed watching my every move. I turned my head back around. I took a few steps and opened the shower door and turned on the warm water. I closed the door so the heat could not escape.

I unbuttoned my skinnies and shimmied them down my legs. I took my hair out of its top knot and let it flow down my back. I removed my T-shirt slowly. I then removed my bra and underwear.

I fully turned around to see Michael striping as he made his way to me. I quickly turned around and jumped in the shower and shit the door. I noticed that it had a lock. So, I locked the door and took a step back.

I could barely see Michaels silhouette through steamy glass door. But, I did notice that he was naked.

"Let me in," he growled shaking the door.

"No," I said playfully.

"Okay then, none for you." He said.

His silhouette escaped my view. I didn't want to chance it. I flung the door open and lent back against the wall.

"Fine." I said causing Michael to turn around.

"I knew you would fall for it." He said as he entered.

He leant down and pulled me into a heated kiss. I missed this so much. His hands slid down my body and tugged on my thighs. I got the hint and jumped up and wrapped my legs tightly around his waist.

My hands adventured through his wet hair as he deepened the kiss. His hips grounded into mine. With each time the pace was speeding up. Soft moans escaped my lips. He pulled away from the kiss.

"I'm going to make you feel good, just you tonight babe." He said as he began sucking the skin on my neck.

My eyes rolled back into my head and I squeezed my eyes tightly as the pleasure increased. His hand that was holding my head to the side released and slid down my body.

He wedged his hand in between our bodies. His hand rested on my core and his fingers began to play. He pumped me slowly causing me to arch my back. I was coming on my first high and Michael stopped.

"Okay shower time." He said gently pushing my legs off of him and on the floor.

He grabbed a sponge and soap and began washing himself off. Once he was through he washed by body off. He then washed and conditioned my hair. He did the same with his too and we exited the hot shower.

He grabbed two towels and wrapped his around his waist. He handed me the other one and I wrapped it around my body.

We both made our way to the living area where we left our bags.

Michael was ahead of me about ten feet. I was slowly making the corner to the living room when Michael began talking to someone. Curiosity got the best of me.

"Who is it," I asked entering the living area to see a middle aged man.

"Go back in the room, here is your bag. Get dressed." Michael said trying to shield me.

"Who is that?" I asked.

Michael just looked at me I couldn't read his emotions.

"Who?" I demanded.

"It's my dad." He said looking down.

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