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I found myself panicky, grabbing clothes pout of my dresser and stuffing them in my duffle. Once I emptied my drawers I headed to my closet. I snatched clothes off of their hangers.

This is completely crazy. What am I doing? Michael hurt me two times and I was running away with him. I fell to the floor and started to cry.

Am I making a mistake? Leaving my friends and family. To leave with someone who used me, but says that he didn't. Stop. Stop this right now Capri. Michael cares about you, you know that. I blame the lack of sleep on myself acting bipolar.

I pulled myself off the floor and picked my duffle up. I zipped it up, because I had all of my clothes. I grabbed another bag and put my hygiene products in it.

I had all of my belongings packed in bags. The bags were stacked by my bedroom door. It was 9:15, I had to be at Michaels at midnight.

I unlocked my phone and went to my music. I tabbed my playlist and selected The Voice playlist. The first song that came on was Tonight Tonight by Katrina Parker. As I listened to the first verse it described my situation perfectly. My whole world would change, tonight.

I laid in bed and let each word flow over my body and through my ears. I relaxed each muscle in my body and thought about all of Michaels words he had spoke to me. Good and bad words filled my mind, but I smiled at each of them.

A listened to a couple more songs and decided to head downstairs. My parents would get suspicious if I hadn't come down to eat. They knew my passion for food.

"Hi everyone," I said trying to sound like nothing was about to take place in a few hours.

Both parents greeted me with a smile.

"Where is Emily?" I asked.

"She is out with Calum. He is such a sweet boy." My mom said smiling.

"Oh," was all I could manage to say. I knew that they wished that I acted like her, but I didn't.

I missed her truly. I missed our conversations at 3am every morning. I missed her weird humor. I had failed her as a friend.

"When she comes in can you tell her that I am sorry. Tell her that I made a mistake and that it hurt me that I hadn't spoken to her since she got back. Tell her that it is all my fault that our friendship is the way it is now." I said hoping they would. I had to stop myself before the tears were to fall down my cheeks.

"Honey, she will be here in a few hours, why don't you tell her?" Dad asked.

I small fake smile escaped my lips and plastered my face.

"I can't tell her yet, I don't think I'm ready. But can you please tell her. I don't want her to think that it's her fault." I said hoping they wouldn't question further.

Luckily they didn't. They each have me a hug and headed to their room. My demented brain looked acroos the kitchen to find dads office door wide open.

My curious legs traveled across the kitchen and into the never before seen office. There was a small desk in the room. I made my way over to the oak desk.

I pulled out the top drawer. There was a safe with a number lock on it. I fiddled with the lock and decided on each of my parents birth year. Neither year unlocked the case. So, I tried mine and it worked.

I slowly lifted the lid to reveal bundles of cash. It was our vacation money. I picked up ten stacks of $100 bills. I think that there was five $100s in each pack. I grabbed the money and headed back to my room.

I shut and locked the door behind me. I unzipped one of my bags and stiffed the money in it. This money was part of my vacation. My vacation I would not be attending, because I. Was using it t go to London with Michael.

I put on the TV and it was on some weird show on MTV, so I left it. I watched TV until it was time to go. I heard Emily come in and I didn't bother telling her bye.

I wasn't stupid, so I didn't use the front door. My parents would have been hot on my heels if they heard the front door open, so I used the window. I threw my bags out of the window from the second story.

I slowly pulled myself out of the window and landed on the roof. I was holding on to the window seal and I lent over and looked at the ground. How would I get down. I let go of the window and slid my feet on the roof.

I lost my footing and rolled off of the roof and into the bushes. Ow, that hurt so bad. I had a few scratches on my arm from the limbs, but other than that I was fine.

I guess that was a great way to get off of the roof. Probably not the healthiest, but it was the fastest. I walked over to my jeep with my bags on each hand. I threw them in the back seat.

I shifted the gear into neutral. I walked to the front of my jeep and with all of my strength I pushed it back. It wasn't as hard as I thought it slowly went out of the drive. I noticed that it was picking up speed and I panicked.

Luckily the neighbors trashcans blocked it from running into their house. A sigh of relief escaped my parted lips. I decided not to push it any more so I took chances and got in and started the engine. Hopefully if it woke my parents they would think it was the neighbors.

I quickly made my way to Michaels. When I arrived everyone that was their earlier was gone by now. I parked on the curb and got out. With both bags in my hands I passed by Michaels car.

"Psst," a faint voice called from the driver seat of Michaels car.

I stopped and bent down to see Michael awaiting me in his vehicle.

"Get in," he said leaning over and opening the passenger door.

I got in and threw my bags in the back seat.

"Are you ready?" He asked looking my way.

"Yea, I think so, but I am nervous." I confessed.

"About what?" He questioned.

"About you hurting me again." I told him.

"Babe, I what I said earlier, I meant it. I care about you and your health. So, if I had to leave and risk our relationship for your parents to back off of your back, then I would. I didn't want you to leave. Capri, I thought they were going to send you back to the US, and I didn't want that." He said.

The last piece of information was news to me. He hadn't told me that. But, when he did I felt so safe with him again. They say that time would heal everything. To my satisfaction time was now. Time had just healed my broken heart. I felt whole again.

I grabbed Michaels hand and held it tightly. "I'm ready, Mikey." I said smiling like an idiot.

He smiled and I let his hand go so he could back out of the drive.

We were headed to the Sydney airport. We had been on the road for about 30 minutes and Michael rolled the windows down and looked over at me.

"I love your hair like that." He said smiling.

My hair blew out of the window and it whipped around my face. My heart once again felt like it was completely his. I laid my head back on the head rest. I closed my eyes. Not realizing I was tired I fell asleep.

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