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"So what happened, you seem happier." Mom said as me and Emily passed the kitchen heading for the stairs.

"He apologized and we made up and we are back together." I said smiling.

Mom knew what happened. I blame it on Emily she told her. Mom got suspicious over about two days when I stayed up in my room like a hermit. Plus I hardly talked and never ate. So Emily told her.

"Okay sweetheart, just don't get hurt again. I dont ever want to see you like that again, okay." Mom said.

I nodded my head and walked to the stairs. I soon ascended up the stairs and Emily, like a shadow, followed me.

I opened my bedroom door and the smell of sugar cookies entered my nose. I loved candles, so evidently I had one lit in my room. Now I wanted something sweet. I was not going back downstairs though, mom would want to talk about Michael and how he treated me. Right now I was happy with my life and I didn't need any sort of negativity.

I walked over and sat on my bed and stretched out and turned on Scream Queens. Emily sat on her giant bean bag she brought with her.

As soon as she pulled her phone out, I knew she wouldn't watch TV with me. I hadn't watched the show yet, but I recorded it, so time for binge watching.

A few minutes into the show Emily interrupted my concentration of small talk.

"Hey, next weekend do you and Michael want to go on a double date with me and calum?" She asked with hope in her eyes that I would accept.

"Yeah, I mean I would have to ask Mikey, but I think he would agree." I said smiling.

She smiled and nodded her head and sat back into the bean bag and her fingers tapped quickly on her phone. After she sent the text she locked her phone and sat it on her lap.

We watched about three episodes before we decided it was time for bed. I pulled the covers back and crawled in. Emily seen me and did the same.

I woke up and pulled my phone out from under my pillow. It was 12:22 in the afternoon. I rolled over away from the wall and was face to face with "Sleeping Beauty." Emily's mouth was wide open and drool was evident from the wet spot on her pillow. Her messy hair covered most of he face, wow I bet Calum would love this scene.

I drew my leg back and with all of my strength I pushed her off of the bed. A loud this echoed through the house.

"Are you two okay up there?" My dad called from the bottom floor.

"Yes, nothing happened, I promise." I yelled attempting to convince him.

Before I could realize Emily had lunged her body off of the floor and on top of me. She started flopping all over me like a whale out of water.

"Stop!" I screamed playfully.

"No, you are going to pay for speaking me up from a great dream." She said still flipping her body from side to side.

We played for a couple of minutes and then sat up and fixed ourselves.

"Do you want to go out, I don't think we have had girl time in a while," I asked her as I stood up.

"Yea, that sounds great, but I need to take a quick shower." She confessed going to get a change of clothes.

"Okay, well I will be downstairs waiting on you." I said.

She went to the bathroom. I flipped my hair over my head and pulled it up in a messy bun. I slipped on my favorite black ripped skinnies. I then changed into a Nirvana T-shirt. I put on my white converse and grabbed my phone and keys and went down to the living room.

"Hey Capri." Dad said. I could tell he had something on his mind by the way his tone was. I just hope it wasn't about Michael, I did not want a lecture from him. I could do this by myself.

"Look, I know that you have had a few rough past weeks," you have got to be kidding me. Really dad I don't want to here your bull crap. I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the couch.

"I just don't want you to get hurt. I never trusted him from the first day I met him and he proved his intentions to me." Dad went on and on. I decided that I should step up and protect my boyfriend.

"Look, dad, people make mistakes. I have, you have, mom has, and so has Michael, so I would appreciate it if you would stop riding him. I have forgave and I am the one who is in a relationship with him not you or mom. So please stop being up the past." I said getting a tad bit pissed at all of their accusations.

"I'm sorry, it just hurt me to see you upset, I won't say anything else about your relationships." Dad trying to convince me that he would not but into my relationships.

Luckily Emily came downstairs and saved me from going completely off.

"Hey are you ready?" She asked skipping over to the island.

"Yea, come on," I said jumping off of the bar stool.

I pulled out of the drive and she was smiling like an idiot. She just stared out of the front window, unfocused. I snapped my fingers in front of her face pulling her out of the trance she was in.

"What," she smiled, laughing a bit.

"Where are we meeting them at?" I asked her.

"Oh, at Michaels, sorry." She said looking away from me and back to the front windshield.

It made me feel ecstatic that she had found someone that she could trust and give her heart to.

I pulled into Michaels drive. Him and Calum were standing on the porch. Michael bounced off the steps and ran to my jeep. Calum walked like a normal human being down the stairs.

Michael walked over to the driver door and opened it for me while I unbuckled my seat belt. Calum did the same for Emily.

"Hi, babe, wow you looked so good. I have missed you." He said placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I've missed your personality," he said kissing my cheek.

"I've missed your kisses," he said pecking my lips.

"I've also missed your body," he said nipping at the skin on my neck.

It caused me to giggle and I totally forgot about the other two. I looked behind me and Calum and Emily were holding hands staring at us.

"I mean if you want you two can stay here and I will take Emily on date," Calum said laughing.

"No, I need to make it up to Capri, get in my car." Michael said grabbing my hand and leading us to his car. The other two followed closely behind us and got in the back.

We were all in the car and Michael rolled the windows down and backed out of the drive and sped off out of town.

My hair was being tussled by the cool night air. We were all laughing like we had no care in the world. We were on a topic that I did not know how it got started. We were talking about which would be better in bed, Michael or Calum?

It got really quite and I was trying to tame my hair when Michael looked at me and melted my heart.

"You look beautiful with your hair in a mess." He said scanning his eyes over me. "Marry me?"

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