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We were back home, Emily and I, I had a great time. It seems like its been forever since I have enjoyed myself. In all honesty I wish that I could have had Michael there. Not one second went by that I missed him. I should have just told him the night of the party that what he did was acceptable. I wasn't though, I didn't deserve to be used, even if he was halfway intoxicated.

I needed to talk to him and let him know that I still care. Maybe it is my fault, I have not made one move towards him. This is the twenty first century a girl should be able to chase whomever She pleases.

I decided that I would call him, I could care less about looking desperate. I was desperate, I miss him so much. I feel like a piece of me is missing, but I guess that's what happens when you fall in love to quick.

I picked up my phone and typed his name and pressed call. I nervously put the phone to my ear and it rang over and over. It soon went to his voicemail.

Hi this is Michael and if I did not answer my phone I am probably having the best time of my life with my beautiful girlfriend Capri, okay so leave a message. Bye.

He still had the voicemail on his phone. Did he still want me? Does he still care?

I called two more times getting the same response each time. I did not bother leaving a message. He would see that I called him and hopefully he would call back.

I laid back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Emily was out with Calum, I wish me and Michael were like that again.

Michaels P.O.V.

Capri had called me three times altogether. Each time I held the phone in my hand. I didn't want to answer it, I couldn't. I couldn't tell her what I needed to tell her over the phone. It wouldn't be right and she deserves better.

I hadn't acknowledged her in weeks I felt bad for kissing that girl at my party. I had completely let her down when she trusted me. She trusted me. No girl has ever trusted me with their heart. We usually just used each other for pleasure, but with Capri I could open up and tell her how I felt and she understand.

I had to see her. I pulled myself off of my bed. I walked over to the closet and grabbed a T-shirt and pulled on some skinnies tat were laying on the floor.

I really needed to clean up. I have let my room go to hell. It stunk and looked a mess. Plates of food were stacked up by my bed. Capri would not except this behavior from me. She always pushed me because she believed in me. I miss her.

I ran out to my car and started it. I didn't fully give the engine time to start before I sped out of the drive. I had to get to her quick. I had to make things right.

I pulled in her drive and all of the lights were on and all vehicles were here. I looked up in her window and her TV was on. She was watching insidious. That is typical of her, it was one of her favorites.

I knocked on the door and luckily her mom answered.

"Michael, Hi, wow, I am so glad to see you. Honey, Capri has been a wreck without you." Her mom confessed.

"Really," I said recollecting the past weeks with myself. "I have been the same way. Can I see her? I need to make things right." I said wit regret in my eyes.

"Yes, please come in. You know where the den is so you can wait in there. Its the most quiet place in the house." She said smiling.

I nodded my head and walked into the den. I sat down and held my hands together between. I sat on the edge of the couch. Capri's baby pictures were splattered across the wall. She looked so precious.

"Hi," she said holding her elbow as we walked in. "Can I?" She asked pointing the spot beside me.

I nodded my head as she sat down. I didn't know how to start. This was my first real touchy feeling relationship. I didn't want to say the wrong thing, because I care for her. I love her.

"I'm sorry" we said in unison. How cliché.

"You go first," she said not looking up.

I figured that I would tell her how I felt, this was it, hopefully I will do it right.

"Look, Capri, I have screwed up big time. I said that you could trust me, and for some reason you did. Then I told you that I wouldn't use you, and I haven't. I also told you that I wouldn't hurt you, but I did. I hurt you, but I also hurt me. Capri you are the best thing in my life. It might sound cheesy but you are the reason tat I wake up each morning. I would have drunk myself stupid, but you are there stability in my life. I truly am sorry for what I have caused you. I hope you can forgive me, but I'd you can't then I truly understand."

As soon as I said the last word a breath of relief fell off of my shoulders. I was so glad that I could tell her how I felt and she not judge me. It wasn't over, the pain that is, she hasn't told me if she still cared or not and thankfully she soon spoke up.

"Michael, I know that you messed up and it hurt me. But it hurt me worse when you ignored me and I couldn't talk, hold, or even think about you. I have missed you like crazy. You have no idea. I have let myself go completely. Michael I think I'm in love with you. I forgive you. It still hurts, but I know with time you can fix it. If you will still have me that is." She said staring into my eyes. Sincerity was present in both her eyes and voice.

"Yes, I still want you. I always have and always will. So are we back together?" I asked not being able to contain my excitement.

"Yes I think so." She said smiling. I could tell that she hadn't smiled in a while. Her smile was like a drug to me I could not get enough.

I grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her into a heated make out session in her den. Her parents could walk in any minute, but I didn't care. I was on cloud nine, I have her back and I'm not going to let her go.

We sat and talked to a while. She told me about her visit in the US. We also talked about how miserable we had been without each other. I held her in my arms forever. I wanted to savor this moment. I wish we could stay like this forever.

I almost fell asleep, but Emily came in the house and seen us on the couch.

A bright flash filled my sleepy eyes.

"Aw, you two are so cute." She said looking down at her phone. "I'm going to keep this one." She said smiling.

"Okay, well I am going home goodnight babe," I said kissing capri's forehead as she leant into my body, gripping the bottom of my shirt. 'Goodnight Emily," I said walking out of the front door.

I felt complete again, I have her back.

One More Chance (Michael Clifford)Where stories live. Discover now