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Friday couldn't have came soon enough. A lot happened during the week. I fell down in the cafeteria, embarrassing I know. It sucked.

We were getting ready for the party, Emily was curling her hair. I was finishing my outfit with my normal black Chuck's.

I was wearing blue Jean shorts and a Blink 182 shirt. Emily was wearing a little white dress that came mid thigh, with her converse.

"Are you ready?" I asked her as she unplugged the curling wand.

"Yea I am think so." She said turning around.

We both grabbed our phones and headed out for the night.

I stopped by moms room and her door was cracked opened.

"Mom we're heading out, love you." I said

"Okay, be safe." She faintly said. She had a bad headache so she didn't want to be bothered.

We were sitting in the car and as we pulled out I wasn't paying attention and backed into our trashcans.

"Oops," I laughed.

I didn't bother fixing them back up.

We soon pulled up at Michaels. Cars were parked all along the road and the music was blaring. I was surprised the neighbors hadn't called the cops yet, maybe they were there too.

We walked at a normal pace up to the front door. I didn't bother knocking, not one person would have heard me, so I just entered.

As soon as I entered I wanted to die. My heart fell to the floor. Michael was sucking faces with another girl. She was way prettier than me, so my self esteem flew out of the window.

"Michel!" Emily yelled running over to him. She forcefully pulled them apart. "What so you think you're doing?!"

I was froze, I couldn't believe what my eyes had seen. Michael looked over at me and his head dropped. Luke must have seen the whole scene go down. He ran over and pulled Michael into the kitchen and Emily cane and got me.

She took my hand and took me to Michaels room. God, it hurt being here. All of the memories of my week here flooded my head. He said that he would not use me, he said that he loved. Was it all a lie, just to use me?

Emily pulled me into a hug. I hadn't cried until I laid my head on her shoulder. I wanted to crawl into a ball and go missing. I hated him. I hated myself.

"Why?" I asked sobbing.

"Look its not your fault, I think he was tipsy. He was drunk he didn't know what hew was doing " she tried comforting.

I wished that I could say that it hurt. A light knock was at the door and Luke stepped in and shut the door behind him.

"Hey, I think you should take her home. I will call whenever Michael figures out what he had done. I could tell that he was ashamed. I'm so sorry." Luke said not looking up.

Emily took my hand and took me to the jeep. She took my keys and I got in the passenger seat. I laid my head against the window. I felt like my whole world had been blown up.

It had been weeks and Michael hadn't called or text. I seen him in our first class everyday but he wouldn't talk to me. Emily attempted to cheer me up but, I just laid in bed. I hardly ate. I honestly wouldn't have but mom pressured me and I didn't want her to worry. I had spike about ten words since the night. I felt miserable.

We were on thanksgiving break, so we had a week off.

"Hey, do you want to go home and see Lori and Candace?" Emily asked walking in my room.

"I don't know, I really don't fee-," I said but she stopped.

"Look, stop feeling sorry for yourself, I bet Michael not one time has felt bad. If he did he would have called you okay. So get ready your parents bought us plane tickets, so get packed we are leaving tonight." She said.

I pulled myself out of the bed and got out my duffel bag. I packed a weeks bag of clothes and stuff. I got all of my essentials and it took me about 2 hours.

"Or flight sails off at 9:00, and its 6:52 so we need to leave, so come on your parents are taking us."

It honestly would be the best thing for me to leave Australia. Go and see my friends, maybe they could cheer me up, hopefully.

We got to the airport and unloaded our bags from the trunk and gave them to a designated worker for the bags or whatever.

Emily and I hugged my parents bye and boarded the plane. We had a full conversation about different things until Emily fell asleep. I put my headphones in and Michaels favorite song came on. I snatched them out of my ears and lightly cried myself to sleep.

A flight attendant woke us up and we exited the plane. As soon as we got off the plane Candace and Lori were waving at us. I tried to cheer myself up for their sake.

"Hey best friends," Lori said pulling us in a hug.

"Hiya!" I said pulling a fake smile.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out. I was getting a call due to the non stop vibration. I looked down and it was Michael. My heart dropped. Would I be strong enough to confront him. Well here goes nothing I answered it.

"Hi Capri, babe I am so sorry." He slurred.

He was drunk. Really he was trying to drink me away. It hurt.

"Michael, you are drunk."

"No, no I am not" he said taking another sip of his drink. I could hear the ice cubes clinking against the glass.

Tears were threatening to fall on my pink cheeks. All tree if my friends were crowded around me with curious expressions.

"Michael, stop, please."

"Capri, I'm so sorry... I I messed up so bad please forgive me."

"Michael stop, you don't know what you are saying."

"I might be drunk Capri but I am sorry. I had to drink to get the courage just to call you. I couldn't face you. I hurt you and I promised I would not ever do that. And I did, please forgive me."

Tears were falling down my face. Emily obviously knew I was talking to Michael because she pulled out her phone and called Calum.

I tried to keep Michael on the phone because Emily told me Calum and Luke were on the way to get him from the club.

They soon got there and I hung up. It hurt so bad, I wanted everything he said to be true, but I knew that he was drunk.

I continued my week like nothing had happened. I went and visited all of my old friends. I had to admit that I had a good time, but it would all be gone when I was back in Australia.

We were on our last day in the US and I tried to make the best of it, but in all honesty I missed Michael. I missed his touch, his hugs, his voice, everything I missed everything.

I would take him back if he wanted me. But that is the question does he want me?

One More Chance (Michael Clifford)Where stories live. Discover now