Off the Market and Into My Nerves

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Marceline’s P O V

When I got there, I saw Jack sitting on a bench all by himself.

I lightly tapped his shoulder

Uhh, hey Jack. I heard you were here so I decided to come by and see if you were okay. I smiled.

“Hey Marceline, well as you can see, I’m not okay. I keep dreaming about my mum in her car accident and it gets to me yunno? I don’t remember her beautiful features, but when I dream about her, I know them by heart. I’ve been dreaming about her since I was 17, I’m 20 years old now and it’s always the SAME thing. I dream of her daily and Finn thinks I’m ‘crazy’. He says I should seek some therapy” he said giving a fake chuckled.

Oh my, Jack I’m truly sorry to hear this. I give him a side hug.

I’m sure she misses you too Jack, you and your brother. I may not know you too well right now, but you don’t look crazy to me. It’s actually pretty normal to dream these things, especially now. I’m guessing since you weren’t completely exposed to that situation, your dreams are just letting you know what happened and dreaming about it every day will make you stronger and wiser in life. I had the same thing happen to me, but worse. I kept seeing my favorite art teacher getting shot. I wasn’t there when it happened but in my dreams, I was there. I started dreaming about him 2 years after his death. I was 16 at the time, but when I turned 18 it all stopped. I became mentally stronger and it helped me become wiser. My art teacher would teach me life lessons and he would always help me out with anything. Listen Jack, you’re mum may have passed away when the two of you were five, but she cared for you. She probably said encouraging things to you guys whilst you were babies and even though you never understood her, it stuck to you guy’s head. It’s normal and once you’ve become stronger and wiser, the dreams won’t affect you anymore. Plus, if you become an even better person, you’ll probably stop dreaming of her in an awful situation. Everything is going to be alright Jack.

I said giving him a full-tight hug.

“Th-thanks Marceline, thank you so much and I’m sorry I ruined your friendly date with my brother, I didn’t mean to. You should’ve gone out with him at least, I felt bad” he frowned.

Hey hey hey- I lifted his head up.

Don’t apologize Jack, it wouldn’t have felt right without you with us. If I want to get to know the two of you, I’d rather do it when the two of you are present. And I work with Finn anyway, you seem to drop by a lot, so getting to know each other can wait. But I told Finn to leave with you because family is more important. You seemed down and out of tact with things, I felt like you needed somebody there with you. Since I had no clue of things, me helping would be useless so it was best that I left Finn go with you.

“Really, you want to get to know me too? You’re words make so much sense and the beauty of it is that it just comes out naturally. You don’t even have to think about it, you just let the words flow out of your mouth. Marceline, you’re perfect and you probably don’t even know it. And even if you did know it, you don’t act like it. You made me feel so much better and you gave me so much hope. You’re an amazing person, please don’t leave me now. I really need someone . . . anyone. And by the way things are right now, I want that someone to be you” Jack said touching my hand.

I looked down and didn’t know how to feel. In a way, it felt right but it also felt weird. Not many people said they needed me, especially not for things like this. I mean Matthew would call me in the middle of the night to talk about whatever was bothering him, but it’s different with Jack. When his hand touched mine, I felt like a spark. Whatever it was it made my heart beat fast and my stomach squirm inside.

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