Dreaming Alone: Chapter Two

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Fight or flight. To flee or not to flee—that, right now, is the question.

He's just standing there, waiting for you to say something—I thought to myself. The monster's probably waiting for a reaction.

Faith and Wil are sitting by my side and I could simply excuse myself to the restroom or somewhere. But if I do that, that might send a wrong signal. It might tell him that I'm still affected—and I'm not!

Then fight it is.

"I can't say that the feeling's mutual" I—with full honesty—answered.

His brows met as his lips formed a straight line. I felt Faith and Wil looked at me at the same time while I sat there trying to hold my ground or else I might decide to stand up and leave.

"I didn't expect your full honesty. You caught me off guard" he chuckled. "So how—"

"Look at the time" Faith shot up and looked at me. "I almost forgot that we have to go buy something really important."

I looked at her not knowing what to say. I know that she's trying to get me away from the situation but I just can't find the words to say.

"It's nice to see you after three years, Luke" she smiled at him and pulled me away from our seat. "We gotta go though; it's an emergency only girls can relate to."

I looked at him and it seems like he bought it so I followed after Faith, letting her lead the way through our batch mates. I didn't even notice Wil until he cleared his throat and smiled at me.


I threw myself down the couch and groaned. "That was awful!"

"Tell me about it" Faith's voice passed through the huge pillows I buried myself with.

"That was horrible!" I threw my hands in the air and sighed. "I totally choked!"

"You totally did" she agreed again. "Why is that, if I may ask?"

"I don't know" I sat up and looked at her. "I guess I just wasn't prepared to see him."

"I wasn't too" she nodded and looked at the door when the doorbell chimed.

I watched her hair sway from side to side as she walked to the door to open it. I didn't realize she changed her hair color—well not entirely—until today. Half of her copper hair down to its tips is now white. I've seen it once on Facebook and I didn't know it looks good on someone until now. I like the mermaid hair trend but I think I like this more.

Wil handed me a tub of ice cream and smiled. "You okay?"

I nodded as he sat on the floor.

"Do you want a piece of paper?" he asked and I shook my head.

Wil has this thing when he's pissed off or whenever he has a problem that he writes it all on a piece of paper and then he burns it. That's after he reads and rereads it until he finds his rants funny. I did it once and it worked. I don't want to do it right now though. I'm already embarrassed because I froze earlier in front of him and I don't want to embarrass myself anymore.

"You can sleep here tonight if you want to" Faith offered as she dug in the ice cream.

"Nah... I'll be fine. Plus I have to think about what you said earlier."

"I don't think I follow" said Wil who I recall wasn't present when Faith and I were talking.

We looked at each other before looking at Wil.

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