Dreaming Alone: Chapter Three

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I looked at the window and noticed that it already started raining. I watched the rain for a while before going back to my laptop where I continued to proofread my work. The deadline's three days from now but I decided to finish it today so I can submit it sooner than later.

The doorbell rang and I clicked the save button three times just to make sure I really saved it before heading to the door.

Wil smiled as soon as I opened it and I stared at him.

"Where's Faith?" I asked and I wondered why he was still standing outside.

"She had to go somewhere so I ended up heading here alone" he answered.

The wind blew and its cold breeze trespassed my house. I folded my arms to protect myself and thought that maybe the reason why Wil is just staring at me is that because I was still in my pajamas at three in the afternoon.

Well he doesn't look so bad in black pants and white shirt under a black umbrella.

Why are we still standing here?!

"Why are you still standing there?" I asked as I tried to contain the irritation I'm starting to feel.

"You're not going to invite me inside?" he asked and I shook my head in disbelief.

"What's up with you? You're not a vampire, you can get in without my invitation" I said and sarcastically made a welcoming gesture with my arms. He walked inside as I widened my eyes at him.

He sat on my green couch and smiled.

"Are you busy?" he asked.

"Just reviewing my work before sending it to the client" I answered as I walked back to my room. I took my laptop with me and went back to the living room where my friend was.

"So you're still doing the freelance thingy."

I nodded as I continued to read and when I was done, I emailed my work to the client and sent some of other files that were already done.

I don't really have to work. My grandparents made sure that their grandchildren won't have to work by building their empire and having a lot of partners in the business world. My parents wanted me to get into the family business but they were unfortunate for having a child who doesn't feel like bossing people around. I was fortunate though, because I have a brother who wanted to be in the family business so they turned their attention to him. I'm not a lazy bum though, so I got into this freelancing thing where I get clients, do some paper works, get paid and still stay at home.

No, not lazy at all. Let's just say that I have a very good relationship with my house.

I looked at Wil who was looking at me as if he was trying to say something. I wonder if he's hungry. He knows his way to the kitchen though. I decided not to buy a big house in case my friends decide to drop by and gets hungry while I'm busy doing whatever.

I was about to ask him when he beat me to asking.

"Do you want to go out?"

"No" I answered as I sent a text message to Faith asking her where she is.

I looked at Wil after sending the text and noticed how he's still looking at me. Does he need an elaborate answer?

"I mean do you want to go out with me?"

Is he kidding? It's raining and freezing outside.

"Are you kidding me? No" I widened my eyes at him. "It's freezing outside" I added, in case he needed an elaborate answer.

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