The Thief's Revenge - Ch 11 [a lesson and a warning]

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Chapter Eleven

A Lesson and A Warning


"Tracey! Wake up!"

Someone was shaking my shoulder, the movement making the blood in my head swish around. I moaned and opened my eyes, blinking away grey spots. I looked around to see the person that had woken me and saw Liam's eyes staring back.

"Shit!" I cried out, quickly sitting up, preparing for a fight even though my head felt like it was filled with lead. Then I noticed that the eyes were attached to a boyish face.

"Sorry to scare you, Tracey."

I let out a deep breath and sucked another in. "You're okay, James. I just... I'm not feeling too great at the moment."

"Yes, you fainted... from shock," he said drily. "I'd love to know what it was that I said to make you so frightened."

I thought quickly. "I guess the whole witch thing was just sinking in. I kind of didn't really believe you until I realised that when I met... your brother... erm, he showed his skill as a witch to me. I'd thought him to be a mutant as well." If he could See lies than he would know that this wasn't altogether untrue. I had thought Liam to be a mutant but now that I thought about it, he had whispered words under his breath when using his magic on me. He had used spells.

Trembling, I laid my head back down onto pillows. Somehow I had been carried to this couch. My heart was still pounding.

"How did you know my brother?"

I winced inwardly. I should have known this question was coming.

"I was interested in his house," I said vaguely but truthfully, then changed the subject, "Where is everyone?"

"They've all gone home. Cate said to tell you that she was sorry to leave you after your... faint but she has a curfew. And she trusts me," he added.

"Well, thanks for taking care of me," I said as I pushed myself up. He placed a hand on my arm, making me pause.

"Before you go, there is a simple spell I feel you should know."

"What is that?" I said with a frown of confusion.

"I get the sense from you that someone is constantly invading your mind space."

I looked at him with awe. "You're a damn good Seer."

"I know," he said without a hint of arrogance or smugness. "I can help you to Block him."

"How'd you know it was a him?"

"His aura clings to you. It is somewhat familiar to me... Do you know his name?"

"No," I said quickly, not wanting him to know about Donovan. He must have 'Seen' or 'Felt' Donovan's parent's auras on his brother.

James frowned at the lie he Heard as I spoke but said nothing.

"So..." I said into the silence. "How does this spell work?"

He looked at me and, thankfully, his eyes were bright with a smile. "It's simple really. Firstly, clear your mind."

I did as I was told and pushed all the fears, hopes and confusion from my mind. I'd been getting good at this.

"Now, repeat after me."

I nodded to show that I understood.

"My mind has a shield."

"My mind has a shield," I repeated.

"For none it shall yield."

I repeated his words, trying not to laugh at the rhyming.

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