The Thief's Revenge - Ch 8 [leaving town]

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Chapter Eight

Leaving Town


"Oh hell no!" Fletcher burst out. "I'm not going anywhere. It's not my fault she got caught! I'll just say I had no idea what she was doing!"

I felt an aching pang in my chest at his hurtful words and stayed silent, looking out the window even though I knew Donovan was staring at me.

"You think they'll believe you? You've been living with her for nearly two years! When you took her out of the fostering system LASER knew that you were her friend. No friend that's close enough to get her out of the system is going to be oblivious as to what she does in her spare time." Moro slammed her fist down on the leather seat between them. "They'll hound at you until you break down, get yourself arrested and give away Kay's whereabouts. I'm not about to let that happen."

Silence filled the car and I turned to Donovan who had stopped fiddling with the buttons. He was still looking at me but his expression was contemplating.

"This group sure has a lot of secrets," he said quietly and then flashed a grin. "Look, no time for explanations. We've got to get rid of this car, and fast. It's the type that's not easy to track but also not easy to blend in with the average automobile. The police will be on us in seconds."

With this said, he changed the mode to manual drive and pulled over to the sidewalk. As we all got out I was pleased to discover that the spell on my legs had disappeared and I could walk freely. I turned to the trio and raised my hands.

"What do we do now?" I asked. "I don't think anyone here is criminal enough to want to hijack a passing car. A taxi will ask for identity and there is no way in hell we can give ours. And walking from here to Newquay airport doesn't seem plausible..."

Moro smiled. "You don't reckon that I thought ahead? Incoming..."

The sedan, my constant saviour, screeched around the corner and stopped beside us. The doors clicked open and Ernst's voice floated out.

"We'd better hurry, if you kids want to catch that flight."

We all slid in, Moro in the front while I was squished between Donovan and Fletcher. To say I was uncomfortable would be an understatement. Fletcher had his arms crossed over his stomach, glaring out the window, while Donovan was smirking at me, obviously reading my thoughts. GET OUT! I screamed in my head. He snorted at me and didn't look away but Fletcher turned to face us.

"Why are you still here?" he growled, scowling at Donovan.

"I'm going to stick around Kayli. I have a feeling she's going to draw Liam to her. Handy for me."

"Why can't you just keep following Liam like you used to and leave us the hell alone?"

I collapsed my head into my hands as they glowered at each other over me.

"I like Kayli's company," Donovan argued, to my utter embarrassment.

"Do you have a passport and a plane ticket?" I asked, quickly changing the subject. "Because you know you can't get anywhere without them and, if I remember the previous hour correctly, Moro said she only had passports and tickets for Fletch and me."

"I have my own ways of getting overseas and I'll meet you there," Donovan answered, staring at me broodingly.

"Hmm... That's good," I said lightly, switching my gaze to the front window. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see both guys looking at me. Thankfully we were just arriving at the airport. Ernst dropped us off, Moro coming with us to ensure that we caught the right flight.

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