The Thief's Revenge - Ch 5 [exposure]

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Chapter Five



The night ended unusually. Thinking he had finished his interrogation I moved to step around him, already picturing the comfort of my bed. I hadn't gotten much sleep lately. Then, suddenly, Donovan's hand shot out and grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"We're not done yet, huntress."

Not a fan of the nickname, I thought, and I really need some sleep.

"Tough luck," he said simply. I looked into his dark eyes, trying to see his emotions, but they were to dark for me to decipher anything.

"What is it?" I sighed.

"I want to know what you're feelings toward Liam are. I could see something shift in your mind as you described him. I don't like secrets."

No secrets? I thought, keeping the 'other things' out of my head. You've got to be kidding me! That's so not fair.

He shook his head and tugged me closer with his grip on my shirt.

"Tell me," he ordered, his hot breath hitting my face, along with the smell of spice.

I sighed and wiped my sweaty palms on my pants.

"I got this weird reaction, okay? It kind of made me nervous and excited at the same time."

"Attraction," he snarled.

"No!" I yelped. "I could never, ever be attracted to someone who worked for... 'Them'. He was good-looking. But that's all!"

"It better be," he whispered warningly.

I waited for him to release me but he kept his hold firm, his gaze roving over my face.

"You have to be careful," he said suddenly. "We want a friendship made over this. Not to get a new lover."

I flinched. "Donovan, I never would -"

His hands released my shirt but before I could move he took my face in both of his hands.

"I hope not," he whispered and dropped his mouth to mine.

There were no explosions or overwhelming feelings but instead I felt a sweet warmth whoosh through me as his lips melded my own. He tilted his head and pulled me closer, his thumb brushing my cheek. I felt his tongue seeking its way into my mouth and parted my lips. Our tongues brushed and I felt another rush of soothing warmth. He drew away to move his lips across my jaw.

"I've needed that for a while," he said hastily, his breathing irregular, a wide smile on his face. His hands ran down the sides of my face and neck, coming to a rest on my shoulders, massaging softly.

"I..." I don't know what to say, I thought.

He paused in his massage and looked deeply into my eyes.

"Sleep on it. Let me know your feelings in the morning."

Too businesslike, I thought. He grinned at me.

"Just, please, think on it. I won't be listening in, I swear. I just want to know if you like where this is going."


In the end, it didn't matter what I had thought up during the night. That morning, after planning my Saturday schedule, I went down to breakfast to find Fletch munching on toast alone.

"The kid's gone out. 'Hunting' or something like that," he snorted.

I mentally breathed a sigh of relief. Not much had changed during the night I'd just gotten more and more confused over how I felt. The kiss was... nice but Donovan... I didn't know anything about the guy.

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