Hair Tips

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: numbhope

Of this is my first continuous book thingy ma boby so please don't hate. If you think you will please go away :)

Hair Tips

Tip 1- No (this is a BIG no-no), dont use heat products (or not use it as regularly if you HAVE to use it) ! It literally weakens then rips your hair out. If you have to avoid using it daily and use those heat absorber things.

Tip 2-DONT tease or back comb your hair girl! It's not necessary. If you want to add volume to your hair or what not, just brush you hand through it and poof it up a bit and theirs always the volumes ing sprays. I don't know what it might do to your hair though because I don't use them.

Tip 3-Never go to bed with your hair wet, seriously. I don't like it but a few of you have commented that it makes your hair look nicer but mine is just personal opinion :)

Tip 4- Chlorine. Try and stay away from it, if you love to swim or a swimmer then First heavily oil or condition you hair then put on those swim caps. Little bits of water may creep in but it's better than chlorine getting directly into your hair and the oil/conditioner will stop the water from affecting your hair.

Tip 5- Hairdos. Tight high ponytails are one of the worst type of hairdos for when your hair is weak or falling off ( wait is that the same thing? Nvm). If you are athletic then do something like a French braid or a hairdo that will keep your hair out of you face and let's your hair breathe.

Tip 6- Try not to comb your hair excessively. Once or twice is a day is enough. If you have frizzy hair then plait or put it up in a style which stops you hair from tangling too easily

Tip 7- Exercise- I know, I know not again, but when you exercise and you sweat the sweat has healtish nutrients that help you hair grow.

Tip 8- When you shampoo your hair dont rub it in with your nails digging in too, just use the pads of your fingers. It will work!

Tip 9- Avoid washing your hair everyday! You will just be stripping it off it's natural oils and helping you hair got towards frizziness.

Tip 10- Try not to use a brush, buy a wide tooth comb instead. You don't have to get something expensive, something from the dollar shop is fine :)

What you think? If you like it maybe a vote and a comment? Also what would you like me to write about next?

PS- The amazing cover was made by JcnnyTran. Can I say just how fabulous her creations are you guys.


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