Chapter 46 - Simple Fun part 1

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Hey, everyone I hope you guys like this chapter. It really a lead into the next part of this chapter. I hope you guys don't think its too boring lol. But any way I hope everyone remembers to COMMENT and VOTE. I would appreciate anyone who tells a friend about my story.

I also want to dedicate this chapter to a fan of the book. This person had took the time to create a cover for me all of her own doing and I thought it was nice. I will post that on this chapter for everyone to view. Thanks again to @jessmb94.

I hope theres no errors but there always seems to be some I didn't notice while writing lol. So, sorry.



Chapter 46 - Simple Fun part 1

Amelia's POV

It's done. I did it... willingly this time; I signed that contract last night or this morning, however you would look at it, and there was no turning back now. I've been wide-awake, lying on my makeshift bed along Carmela's sectional, deep in thought for hours.

The brothers had left shortly after I signed the contract, their reason being that it had been a long night for me and I needed to get some rest, they made sure to let me know, however, that they would be dropping by from time to time. I guess they still were on edge about what happened with Damon and I couldn't say I wasn't either, I was still trying to wrap my head around what had happened. Carmela seemed to agree with her brothers seeing as she told me to forget about the rest of my shift and do exactly that. I couldn't denied that they were right, it had been quite a night for me and my mind did need a break. The thing was though; I couldn't see how I'd be able to.

But, instead of arguing with the four of them, I gave a quick nod instead, not really having the energy to do anything else.

After the brothers left, Carmela went back to running her club, leaving me alone with nothing but silence and time. I decided to take a nice long, hot shower, hoping it would release some tension. Once I was done, I did feel a little better, my tight muscles had loosened just a little and although my mind was still on overdrive I felt just a little more relaxed.

I made myself a light late dinner with the leftovers from a meal Carmela had thrown together from the previous night and ate in silence in one of the stools at the island. When I had finished, I cleaned up my mess and pulled out the sheets, blankets and pillows Carmela had pulled out for me and laid them out on the sectional before crawling into them.

I lay silently in the semi-darkened room, waiting for sleep to take me, but after about an hour, I had given up on sleep and flipped over on my back to stare up at the ceiling above me.

My mind was still on, working through everything that had happen in the last few hours, going back and forth and repeating the process over and over again. I couldn't shut it off; I couldn't stop thinking about... everything. And it wasn't just about the nights events, no, my mind went from past to present to wondering what my future held, before coming back to the present again.

It was a tiring process, but my mind couldn't help it...I couldn't help it. When Carmela finally came in after closing up for the night I quickly feigned sleep, closing my eyes until I was sure she was up in her room. I didn't feel like explaining why I was still up, I didn't feel like talking about anything at the moment. And now hours later, as I watch the sun begin to push its way out from under the grey sky, through the top of the large tall windows, I was still thinking.

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