Part Fourty

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 Third Person POV.

Luke didn't know what to do for the best all he could think of was yn. He needed to tell her and maybe just maybe the stuff Carter had told him wasn't true but why would Carter lie? He had no reason to lie just like Cameron had no reason of trying to get him to this house to meet this Jacob guy. Who the hell is Jacob?!

He just kept wondering who Jacob was and why Cameron if it was true, he was going to take him to this Jacob for revenge. What did he do? What did he do to make this guy want to take revenge on him? Was it something he said or did but then again he would remember if he did something so bad that could make someone want revenge but nothing was coming to Luke's mind.

He was clueless, he felt like walking to yn's house and questioning Cameron but he knew he couldn't do that because then Cameron would know that somebody had told him about his plan besides Luke wasn't a snitch.

Hearing the door knock, Luke quickly hurried to the door opening it, he hurried his guest into the house he soon closed the door. Both of them walking into the living room, they sat down. "What's so important that I had to hurry around here, Luke?" Calum asked as he looked at his blonde-haired friend. " I've been told that Cameron has made a plan to take me to house to a guy named Jacob, who is going to get revenge on me," Luke says to him. "What?" Calum says looking at his friend, eyebrows raised.

 "You don't even know a Jacob" "Exactly, I don't understand why he wants revenge on me"

Luke's Point Of View Continued 

I just looked at Calum, the expression on his face read how I was feeling about the situation, confused. "I don't know what to say, Luke, who told you that anyway?" He asks me. "Carter, his friend," I say. "I don't know, can you actually trust this Carter? What if he's lying about it" "and what if he's not and he's telling the truth about it. What am I supposed to do, Cal?"

He sighed, "Luke the best thing to do is be careful around Cameron because if it's true, he will try to get you alone but be smart about it" I nod my head listening to him. "What about yn?" I ask, "Well that's up to you to decide whether or not you want to tell her but in my opinion, I would tell her." He says.

" I want to but what if she doesn't believe me," I say to my best friend." Why wouldn't she believe you, Luke?" " she didn't believe me about Connor and his friends, she only believed me afterwards. I don't know what to do. I really want to tell her"Then tell her, I think you've already got your answer," he says standing up. "I'm going to go so you can go and see her," he says, standing up we both walk out of the living room and over to the front door, he opens the door and walks out. "I'll talk to you later Luke and please for everyone's sake be careful," he says looking at me.

"I will don't worry," I say to him, he nods his head. "Bye Calum" " Bye Luke," He says before walking down the driveway. I close the door and then run up the stairs and into my room, I grab my leather jacket and slip it onto my arms, I walk back out and down the stairs holding my front door keys in my hand. Phone and car keys in my pockets. Locking the front door, I place the keys in the pocket of my jeans, car keys in hand I unlock the car and got in the driver's side.

Yn Point Of View  

Walking downstairs I then walk through the hallway and into the kitchen. Cameron is sat at the countertop table, he looks at me and smiles. "You alright?" I ask him, he nods smiling."Yes, I'm absolutely great," he says happily. I nod slowly. "Good," I say walking over to the fridge to get a bottle of iced water. Why is Cameron so happy? It's a little weird and suspicious.

Grabbing my water I open it while looking at Cam, he's looking at his phone while grinning. "Alright I've got to go, I'll see you later," he says disappearing out of the kitchen. He's acting very strange that's for sure, I'm never seen him so happy!

"Yn, Luke's here" I hear Cameron shout, placing my bottle down I walk out of the kitchen and over to the front door to see Luke had just walked in and Cameron had just walked out closing the door.

》Third person's pov

Luke and yn went and sat down in the living room, after they were both sitting comfortably Luke just looked at her, he didn't know how to tell her about what Carter had told him about Cameron and if he did tell her would yn believe him? He wanted to tell her but he had doubts about it, but in the end, he did what he thought was right and told her, everything Carter had said.

Yn just looked at her boyfriend taking in everything he had just told her about Cameron and his plan. She was shocked about what she was told but somehow despite Cameron being a right pain in her ass sometimes she couldn't believe it. Why would he even plan such a thing? Cameron didn't even know Luke in the first place, none of it made sense.

"Say something, I want to know what you're thinking about it," Luke says, looking at YN. Yn was speechless, she didn't know what to say to Luke. "I don't believe it" she manages to say, Luke just looked at her devastated in a way that she doesn't believe it, does that mean she doesn't believe him too?

"Carter told me" "why would he say that I know you don't like Cameron, Luke but that's so low to even make up such a thing like that. Cameron's my friend-" "I'm not making it up, ask Carter he overheard Cameron on the phone speaking" Luke says defending himself to his girlfriend. " I just don't get why he would help somebody get revenge, do you even know a Jacob?"

"No I don't that's what bothering me, I don't remember doing anything so bad for somebody to want to take revenge on me," Luke says.

"I don't know what to say, Luke"

"Say you, believe me, that's all I need to hear you say, Yn," Luke says looking at YN. Yn looked at him, she shook her head.

"I can't say those words when I don't, I'm sorry"


"I'm sorry Luke, I don't believe you"

Those were the words that shattered Luke's heart knowing his own girlfriend, the girl he loved and changed for didn't believe him when he said what he did about Cameron. Luke couldn't believe yn didn't believe him. Yn couldn't believe that Luke would lie about such a thing. 

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