Part Eighteen

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 Your Point Of View

I just stared at Luke as he looked at me, he was actually willing to change because he didn't want to be like his dad anymore? Wow. I know there is more to why he was like his dad but I wasn't going to push him to tell me information when he probably wouldn't be comfortable talking about it.

"So what do we do first? " He asks breaking me out of my thoughts, "right for not being a player," I say, he nods. "Right first you need to delete all the girl's numbers from your phone," I say looking at him, he sighs while taking out his phone from his pocket.

"Luke if you don't want to do this then fine but don't sigh about it if you do, you said you wanted to stop being a player," I say snapping a little because of his latest action. "I'm sorry, I do. I never thought I'd ever get around to deleting their numbers when they have been there for so long now" he says, I nod understandingly.

"I know it's hard Luke but if you want to change that's the first change you need to make, deleting the contacts you no longer need," I say, he nods then starts doing something on his phone. "Okay I'm on my contacts," he says which I leant closer to him to look. "Okay, when you're ready to delete them," I say, he looks at me before he looks back at his phone, he shakes his head. "I can't do it, I can't delete them, it likes deleting pictures from your memory," he says, I roll my eyes at him.

"Luke, playing girls and using them as their toys are not memories you want in your head forever. You need to get a grip and delete them" I say raising my voice a little at him, he looks at me taken back by my outburst but he was starting to annoy me, he said he wanted to change but he wasn't deleting the contacts? How is he going to change from being a player and using girls if he's not going to make this tiny step in the right direction to actually change his ways? He's not if he's not going to at least try.

"You don't get it, these girls have been my-" he starts saying but I cut him off, "be your what? Toys? Yes, I already know that Luke needs to stop. You said you wanted to change but you're not making any effort you've been in your contacts for the last five minutes without deleting one of those girls you call when you want to have "fun" I say, he locked his phone and placed it on the side.

"I can't do it," he says looking at me, I shake my head in disbelief. "You know Luke I don't break my promises to people. You asked for my help, you said I was the reason you wanted to stop being a player because you liked me" "I do like you" he says looking at me with a smile.

His smile is so... YN stop that, I looked at him refocusing my mind on the matter at hand, "if you like me, Luke, you would put your pin in that phone and delete those girls numbers and be one step closer to stop being a player, you said you didn't want to be like your dad and play girls so don't be. You have the choice here Luke to change and better yourself, you could even stop being labelled. Make the right choice Luke, stop being like your dad" I say, he then looked at me his eyes darkening.. shit did I make him angry?

"I don't want to be like him, why would I? Don't you think I want to change and not be the waste of space of a dad I have? I don't want to be like him anymore but you don't understand I've been like this throughout high school I'm not going to change in a matter of ten minutes or whatever. It's not going to be easy for me to delete those girls numbers either" he says angrily, I shake my head.

"You know what Luke, I give up, you're clearly just telling me what I want to hear that you want to change but let me tell you Luke from where I'm standing it doesn't seem like you do," I say, he looked at me before he picked up his phone and angrily typed in his passcode to unlock his phone. He clicked back on his contacts which I watched by looking over his shoulder.

"I'll show you that I can do it, I won't be like him anymore, I won't be. I'm going to be, me." He says calmly as he calmed himself down. He then started clicking on the contacts in his phone of the girls who he 'used for fun' one by one, he deleted them and blocked them as he went.

Contact deleted and blocked from the phone.

That's all I saw while I was watching him, contact deleted and blocked from the phone, it kept appearing after every contact he deleted which the message appeared twenty-five times on his phone as he deleted all the girl's number he no longer needed.

"Done," He said sighing in relief as he looked at me then smiled. "Well done, wasn't hard was it," I say sarcastically which he rolled his eyes at me before he grabbed my hand and put his phone in my hand. I looked at him, eyebrows raised. "Why have you put your phone in my-" "hand?" I nod. "So you can put your number in my phone duh," He says while smiling at me, I clicked onto his contacts and put my number and my name in his phone, saving it I then placed his phone back in his hands which straight away he locked it and placed it on the desk.

"So what now?" He asks looking at me, I shrug my shoulders. "Now I'm going to leave your room," I say walking past him only to be dragged back by a hand on my wrist. I looked at Luke, "do you mind letting me go, please?" I ask looking at him." only if" he says which I looked at him, eyebrows raised. "If what?" " if you kiss me again," he says, I just gave him a look. "Are you serious?" I ask, he nods slowly. "Yep," he says popping the p. I shake my head, "No Luke. I still don't actually believe you like me" I say, he let go of my wrist and then walked away from me, I turned and watched him.

"Seriously what do I need to do to prove to you I like you, I've told you, I've even deleted those girls numbers for you," he says raising his voice at me. "No luke you deleted those girls for your own benefit, not mine. " I say, he shakes his head. "I'm willing to change for you because I like you and you still don't think I like you, what do you want me to do, tattoo your name in an arrow heart on my arm, is that what it will take for you to believe me when I say I like you because I do and I will do it, tattoo my arm to prove I like you," he says, looking at me.

I smile, he looks at me. "What?" "You'd actually tattoo my name on your arm just to prove you like me?" I ask, in shock. He nods, "yeah if it means it'll get into your head that I like you then yes I would," he says putting his hands in his pockets. I bit down on my lip while dying not to grin.

"Well, I don't know what to say to that," I say honestly, he nods. " I do like you Yn, I really do." He says walking over to me to where I was standing by the desk. "I really really really like you," he says looking at me as he continued to walk over to me, he stopped inches away from me.

"And I know despite all the hatred you seem to have for me, I know you like me too as that kiss was one passionate kiss," he says grinning at me, I roll my eyes. "What kiss?" I ask, pretending not to know what he was on about. "Oh right okay, I see what you're doing, maybe I should refresh your memory then huh? "

"Maybe you should," I say grinning at him, he bit his lip, then moved closer, I saw his face coming closer and closer by the second. I then felt his breath on my neck, goosebumps rising on my skin. I looked at him nervously as he looked at me, waiting for him to make a move but he just stood there looking at me.

Getting annoyed with all the waiting I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to me so our faces were even closer together if it was possible. "Someone's eager," he says teasingly, I bit my lip. "Please Luke just kiss me" I beg him, he smirked before saying, "your wish is my command". "Okay buzz lightyear just kiss me" I demanded, he chuckled before he cupped my face with his hands and kissed me, his soft lips joining mine.

I felt the butterflies in my stomach flying around every time I kissed Luke, you could call me crazy for even feeling like this about Luke, him being a player and all, an ex-player may I add, he's going to change for me. I just hope he does as he's got me hooked, I'm hooked on HIM.

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