Part Thirty Three

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 Luke's Point Of View

Walking away, I was annoyed at how yn was saying that Connor is nice and I shouldn't listen to the rumours, yeah but he is going to be nice to yn because she's a girl, of course, he's going to be nice to her, but he dislikes me and I dislike him, I know what Connor and his friends are like they manipulate girls to get what they want and I don't like that.

 People say playing girls is bad but manipulating girls to do things for them without the girls realising is way worse than using a girl for sex, at least when you play girls they can turn around and say no but if they don't realise they're being manipulated then how can they say no and stop it happening? They can't, I don't like Connor and his friend for that reason.

I know your thinking I have no right to say what Connor and his friends do to girls for their own benefits, is bad because I used to play girls, but I don't believe boys should ever manipulate girls into doing things they would never do if they realised they were being manipulated, that is totally wrong and absolutely disgusting.

So yes I may be annoyed with Yn and walked away from her again because I didn't want to listen to her talk about how nice Connor is, she doesn't know him as I do. She doesn't understand, I didn't tell her not to talk to him because I was jealous as it might have come across to her like that, I said what I did because I care for her and I don't want her to get friends with him for him to try and manipulate her.

They're pretty clever about what they do, but I know maybe I should have stayed and told yn why I didn't want her to talk to him but would she even of listened to me anyway?

"Luke" I hear my name being called, turning around I saw Yn walking towards me, oh she followed me then. I stood there waiting for her, she soon approached me. "Why did you walk away again?" She asks as she stood in front of me. "Because you believe the rumours about Connor aren't true but they are. They're true, he does manipulate people and so does his friends but they never realise it" I say looking at her. She just looks at me, "not all rumours are true, Luke" "so you don't believe me" I ask looking at her.

She doesn't say anything but stands there looking at me, I shake my head. "This is great, you don't believe me. I'm your boyfriend and you don't believe me. You're basically on Connor's side" "I'm not on Connor's side, Luke" yn says. "Yes you are, if you don't believe me then you are. What's the point of us being together if you don't trust me when I'm telling the damn truth" I say raising my voice a little.

"This is stupid, Luke." She says rolling her eyes at me.

"You know what's stupid Yn? Dating somebody who doesn't believe or trust you, dating someone who obviously would rather be with somebody else" I say, she cut her eyes at me before raising her voice, " what are you saying, that you don't want to be with me anymore?!"

"if you don't believe me then what's the point, maybe we are kidding ourselves ever thinking that this would work, maybe we're too different, maybe-" "Maybe your right, maybe you deserve someone who will cater to your needs and satisfy you, maybe we should just end this before it gets any further and more feelings to occur. Let's just go our separate ways you go back to being a player and I'll go back to not speaking to you" yn says not looking at me.

I just looked at her in shock, was she saying we're over? "Fine, maybe I should, maybe I should go back to the girls that would be able to do the stuff that you said, after all, you wouldn't be able to do it, would you? You're too innocent" I say grimly, then I felt a hand smack me around the face.

"Ouch," I say holding my cheek as I look at yn in shock as she smacked me, she smacked me. "Hope you enjoy the player life, Luke" yn says before walking away to the first lesson as the bell just went and everyone was making their way to their first lesson.

So I and yn are over maybe we're better off apart and going back to being the way we were before. Separate ways, maybe it's for the best.

Your Point Of View 

"So you aren't together anymore?" Leila asks me as we sat in our lesson before lunch, it had taken her about two or three hours to get me to open up to why I was down. Yes I know me and Luke are better apart but I couldn't help being upset about it, I mean I did really like him but who was I kidding? Some relationships never work out so maybe just maybe we were better off apart than together. He could go back to being a player and I could go back to the way I was.

"Yeah but I don't want to talk about it," I say to Leila as I looked down at my textbook. "Maybe it's for the best," she says as she rubs my shoulder with her hand, trying to comfort me. "Yeah maybe," I say as I turned the page. "Hey at least there are other nice boys in school or there's Cameron," Leila says, I look up at her giving her a questioning look. "What about him?" I ask.

"Cameron he's a nice guy, I know he annoys you but didn't Luke annoy you at first then you started to like him maybe you should give him a chance" "He's older than me," I say looking back at the textbook. "Nothing wrong with an older boyfriend, YN. At least he's more grown-up and less mature" she says. Has Cameron grew up and less mature? Yeah right.

"Maybe you should give him a chance and not push him away like you keep doing," Leila says, I look at her to see her looking at me. "Maybe I just need time alone," I say. "Don't be silly, you need to get back on the saddle" she says, Ashton laughs from beside me. "Back on the saddle; who even says that?" He says, Leila ignores his comment and speaks, " just give Cameron a chance, it could be worth it"

"I'm not really into thinking about dating anyone again," I say, honestly. "You can't give up just because of Luke, he's a player he'd never change. Besides Cameron's your cousin's friend if he ever hurt you, he would have Sammy to answer too"

"Leila can we stop talking about this and talk about something else, please" "Fine only if you think about giving Cameron a chance" "I'll think about it," I say before looking back at the textbook and doing the work that was assigned for us to do for this lesson.

Connor's Point Of View

"So do you reckon they'll last long?" James asks as we were sat talking at the back of the classroom, supposed to be doing our work. "Who will last long?" Tristan says looking up from his phone. "Yn and Luke, duh" "who knows," I say as I played a game on my phone, Candy Crush.

"They haven't lasted long it's already gone around that they have broken up already," Brad says, I turn off the game and look at him, eyebrows raised. " How do you know that?" I question. "One of the guys who play football with us, heard Calum and Michael talking about it at break so looks like they didn't last very long," Brad says, I nod my head while looking back at my phone.

"Looks like you only had to speak to her and boom they're over," Tristan says making us all laugh. "I have that effect tris," I say locking my phone and placing it back into my pocket."Maybe you do, but let's be honest Luke, was never going to change his ways," James says, the boys nodding their head in agreement.

"True," I say as I look at the boys, the boys kept on chattering between themselves. "Connor," Brad says snapping me out of my trance, "yeah," I say looking at him. "Dude stop doing that daydreaming shit it's freaky," James says making Brad and Tristan laugh, I roll my eyes in response. Shame that Luke isn't with yn anymore, I mean he should be happy, yeah right he doesn't deserve to be happy. 

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