Part Twenty Seven

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 Luke's Point Of View

"And that is why when having sex you should always wear a condom," Our sex education teacher says, after finishing his speech about sex and why we should be protected, blah blah blah, he lost my attention after three minutes. Sex Education before dinner was always slow, it felt like the time was going backwards but in reality, it was going at its normal pace. "Did you listen to any of that?" Calum asks looking at me, looking at him I shake my head.

"No, heard it a thousand times, I get it off my mother too so," I say hearing Calum chuckle. "Gotta love Liz," he says grinning at me. I roll my eyes playfully at him. " yeah"  "So did you boys hear that, you've got to protect yourself when you're having sex" Michael says impersonating the sex education teacher. I and Calum were soon laughing at him, "you don't want to get sexually transmitted diseases now" Calum says impersonating the teacher too.

"I think most of us know to wear damn protection by now," I say looking at the boys. Michael looked sheepish, "Michael you do wear protection, right? " Calum asks looking at him. He slowly shakes his head, "Michael you should" Calum says, I nod in agreement. "Man it annoys my dick, so I don't put the rubber on," he says, Calum rolled his eyes at him. "But still you should-" "Calum stop telling me what to do, your the one that needs advice you haven't had sex in a while," Michael says, Calum gasps.

"That is not true," He says crossing his arms. "Really so when was the last time, you got any then? " Michael asks curiously, eyebrows raised looking at Calum. I also looked to Calum waiting for his answer."The other day" Calum says, "when the other day?" Michael asks. "Seriously Michael does that matter, what should matter is that you don't use damn protection," Calum says loudly.

The class then went silent looking around most of the class was looking at us three, Michael was glaring at Calum. Calum looking back at him with a cold iced stare and I was just looking at the pair of them. "Mr Clifford, do you mind coming outside with me, please?" The teacher asks him politely, Michael nods and gets out of his chair and walks down the classroom not before calling Calum an arse hole.

Calum being Calum thought it was highly amusing and was laughing to himself. I didn't find it that funny but Michael getting asked to go outside of the classroom was, in fact, funny, he was obviously going to have a little lecture again from the teacher about how it is important to use protection.

"He's going to hate me," Calum says looking at me. I nod slowly, "yeah he is. He's probably getting another lecture right now" I say, Calum grinned. "I'm sorry but it is funny, he should know better than not to wear protection. I mean I'm surprised he hasn't got aids" Calum says.

"If he hears you saying that you'll get a black eye, cal," I say warning him, he nods his head. "I know, just saying," he says. It felt like forever since Michael was asked to step outside and the teacher followed, soon enough the door opened and Michael walked back in. The expression on his face was easy to read, he was pissed off.

He came walking back over to us and sat back down in his seat, soon as he sat down he punched Calum in the arm. "Michael what the fuck, man" " don't what the fuck me Calum because of you I have to go to the damn nurse," he says angrily.

"You have to go to the nurse? " I ask looking at Michael eyebrows raised, I was curious as to why he had to go to the nurse. "Because of him" he points to Calum. "I have to go to the nurse and have a damn talk with her and get tested for damn aids," he says, I bite down on my lip ring, trying to stop myself from laughing but it didn't work, a couple of seconds later I burst out laughing, Calum laughing too.

Michael glared at us both before calling us, "dick heads". " are you actually going to go? " I ask once I finally stop laughing. "I have to, he's damn taking me after this lesson just to make sure I actually go," Michael says, Calum starts laughing again." Calum if you don't stop laughing I swear I'm going to make your teeth go to the back of your throat," he says warning him, Calum soon stops laughing and mutters a "sorry".

"Sorry you're sorry because of you I have to go to the nurse," Michael says looking at him, Calum shrugs. " Just drop it already, look on the bright side you'll be able to make sure you haven't got aids," Calum says glaring at Michael.

"How can I look on the bright side about that" He exclaims, giving Calum a serious look. I couldn't help but grin to myself as I looked away. "Is it lunchtime yet?"Calum asks. "Calum shut the fuck up" Michael snaps, "I'm damn hungry alright, I'm allowed to complain" Calum snaps back at him. Looking at both of them they were glaring at each other. Please just let this lesson be over with already. I hate drama. I swear sometimes these two were more dramatic then half of the girls in this school.

An-Question; If you're only able to describe luke based on his character in one word, what word would you use? comment below⬇:)

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